The Complete Works of Malatesta Vol. III. Errico Malatesta

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The Complete Works of Malatesta Vol. III - Errico Malatesta

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voices, it might be that of stimulating a healthy scepticism. After all, one of the main purposes of this project is to make available to everyone texts hitherto accessible only to a narrow circle of academics and researchers. Readers are therefore encouraged to form their own interpretation of Malatesta on his texts, and subject the introductory essays to a critical scrutiny on the basis of that interpretation.

      Finally, I wish to thank Maurizio Antonioli for having given me access to periodicals of the time, Tomaso Marabini for his invaluable help in going through those periodicals, and Barry Pateman for his expert advice about editorial criteria. I also thank Pietro Di Paola, Paolo Finzi, Carl Levy, and the late Nunzio Pernicone for having read and commented upon a preliminary draft of this foreword.

      1 “List of Political Coatti,” p. 166 of this volume.

      2 “From Letters and Postcards” and “Court of Ancona: Trial of Malatesta and Co.” p. 329 and 447 of this volume, respectively.

      Introductory essay: Malatesta, Anarchist Socialism, L’Agitazione, and the Bread Riots

      1. The background

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