A Life Beyond Boundaries. Benedict Anderson
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A Life Beyond
Benedict Anderson
This paperback edition first published by Verso 2018
© Benedict Anderson 2016, 2018
Originally published in Japanese by NTT Publishing Co., Ltd. 2009
All rights reserved
The moral rights of the author have been asserted
1 3 5 7 9 10 8 6 4 2
UK: 6 Meard Street, London W1F 0EG
US: 20 Jay Street, Suite 1010, Brooklyn, NY 11201
Verso is the imprint of New Left Books
ISBN-13: 978-1-78663-015-5
ISBN-13: 978-1-78478-457-7 (US EBK)
ISBN-13: 978-1-78663-455-3 (UK EBK)
British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data
A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library
The Library of Congress Has Cataloged the Hardback Edition as Follows:
Names: Anderson, Benedict R. O’G. (Benedict
Richard O’Gorman), 1936–2015.
Title: A life beyond the boundaries : a memoir /
Benedict Anderson.
Description: London : Verso, 2016. | Includes index.
Identifiers: LCCN 2015050748| ISBN 9781784784560
(hardback) | ISBN
9781784784577 (US ebook) | ISBN 9781784784553
(UK ebook)
Subjects: LCSH: Anderson, Benedict R. O’G.
(Benedict Richard O’Gorman),
1936–2015. | Anderson, Benedict R. O’G. (Benedict
Richard O’Gorman),
1936–2015 – Philosophy. | Historians – Biography. |
Intellectuals – Biography. | College teachers – New York
(State) – Ithaca – Biography. | Cornell University –
Faculty – Biography. |
Southeast Asia – Historiography. | Southeast Asia –
Study and teaching
(Higher) | Nationalism – Historiography. |
Nationalism – Study and teaching
AUTOBIOGRAPHY / Personal Memoirs.
Classification: LCC D15.A53 A3 2016 | DDC 907.2/02
– dc23
LC record available at http://lccn.loc.gov/2015050748
Typeset in Fournier by MJ & N Gavan, Truro, Cornwall
1 Shifting Youth
2 Area Studies
3 Fieldwork
4 Frameworks of Comparison
5 Interdisciplinary
6 Retirement and Liberation
The origin of this book is quite unusual, and I hope may therefore tickle the curiosity of English readers. It began around 2003 when Ms Endo Chiho, a fine editor for Japan’s NTT Publishing Company, happened to read earlier Japanese translations of my works, in particular Imagined Communities. She felt that young Japanese students had little idea of the social, political, cultural and epochal contexts in which Anglo-Saxon scholars were born, educated and matured. Many biographical and autobiographical books were available about ‘Western’ politicians, artists, generals, businessmen and novelists, but few about Western scholars. Her idea was to publish a short book about my education in Ireland and Britain, academic experience in the US, fieldwork in Indonesia, Siam and the Philippines, together with some reflections on Western universities and on my favourite books. But I knew no Japanese. What was to be done? She realized that I would have to be persuaded to write some simple kind of English-language text. But the crux was to find a distinguished Japanese scholar who knew English very well, was a close friend of mine, and was willing to work on a translation.
Kato Tsuyoshi (aka Yoshi) had come to Cornell University in 1967 to study sociology and anthropology. This was the year that I finished my PhD (on the Japanese Occupation of Java during the Second World War and the subsequent Indonesian National Revolution) and became a very junior professor of political science. Because Yoshi was determined to do fieldwork on Indonesia’s western Sumatra I was appointed as one of his three mentors. We quickly became close friends, not least because of his lovely sly sense of humour. He was a fast learner of academic English and of Indonesia’s national language. After completing a very original PhD thesis, he returned to Japan and taught at the Jesuits’ ‘international’ university in Tokyo, later moving to Kyoto University, which was the centre for Japanese scholarship on Southeast Asia, where he became a great teacher. We met there often and became even stronger friends.
He told me that he thought Ms Endo’s general idea a good one, and that he had worked out a useful systematic plan, if only I would accept it. He said that too many Japanese students and teachers had little understanding of scholarship abroad because of their poor knowledge of English, French, Chinese, etc. Professors also adopted a patriarchal attitude towards their students, which made the youngsters needlessly timid.
My first reaction was embarrassed rejection. Professors in