The Paleo Breakfast Cookbook. Rockridge Press

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The Paleo Breakfast Cookbook - Rockridge Press

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      Copyright © 2013 by Rockridge Press, Berkeley, California

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      ISBN: Print 978-1-62315-136-2 | eBook 978-1-62315-135-5



       Chapter 1: Why Eat a Paleo Breakfast?

       Chapter 2: 10 Tips for Enjoying a Healthy Paleo Breakfast

       Chapter 3: Paleo Slow Cooker Breakfasts

       Steamed Hazelnut Breakfast Bread

       Slow Cooker Almond Bread

       Toasted Coconut Bread

       Poached Pears with Cranberries

       Dried Berry Compote

       Cuban Pork and Plantain Ropa Vieja–Style Hash

       Slow Cooker Pumpkin Butter

       Vegetable Frittata

       Sweet Potato and Chicken-Sausage Hash

       Chapter 4: Paleo Shakes and Smoothies

       Paleo Green Smoothie

       Paleo Strawberry-Banana Smoothie

       Protein Power Paleo Shake

       Berrylicious Breakfast Smoothie

       Tropical Island Shake

       Nutty Carob Breakfast Smoothie

       Green Power Morning Smoothie

       Bright Day Citrus Smoothie

       Key Lime Smoothie

       Chapter 5: Paleo Breakfasts for Kids

       Waffles with Strawberry Compote

       Banana Nut Pops

       Yummy Paleo Granola

       Egg and Sausage Muffins

       Coconut-Pineapple Pancakes

       Chocolate-Banana Breakfast Shake

       Paleo Eggs Benedict

       Eggs on Sweet Potato Rounds

       Chapter 6: Paleo Breakfast Muffins

       Paleo Blueberry Muffins

       Paleo “Bran” Muffins

       “Oatmeal” Muffins

       Apple Cranberry Breakfast Muffins

       Bacon and Roasted Pepper Muffins

       French Toast Muffins

       Paleo Morning Glory Muffins

       Chai Spiced Muffins

       Chapter 7: Paleo Egg Breakfasts


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