Towards Understanding the Qur'an. Sayyid Abul A'la Mawdudi

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Towards Understanding the Qur'an - Sayyid Abul A'la Mawdudi

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      Al-Baqarah 2: 64–7


      “Hold fast to the Book that We have given you, and remember the directives and command- ments in it, that you be pious.” (64) Then you turned away from your covenant, and had it not been for Allah’s grace and mercy upon you, you would have long been utter losers.

      (65) And you know the case of those of you who broke the Sabbath,27 how We said to them: “Become apes, despised and hated.” (66) And thus We made their end a warning for the people of their own time and for the succeeding generations, and an admonition to the God- fearing.

      (67) And then recall when Moses said to his people: “Behold, Allah commands you to slaughter a cow.” They said: “Are you jesting with us?” Moses answered: “I seek refuge in Allah that I should behave in the manner of the ignorant.” ▶

      27 Sabbath, i.e. Saturday. It was laid down that the Israelites should consecrate that day for rest and worship. They were required to abstain from all worldly acts, including cooking (which they might neither do themselves, nor have their servants do for them).


      Al-Baqarah 2: 68–71


      (68) They said: “Pray to your Lord that He make clear to us what she is like.” Moses answered: “He says, she is a cow, neither old nor immature, but of an age in between the two. Do, then, what you have been commanded.” (69) They said: “Pray to your Lord that He make clear to us of what colour she is.” Moses answered: “He says, she is a yellow cow, with a bright colour which is pleasing to those who see!” (70) They said: “Pray to your Lord that He make clear to us what cow she is. Cows seem much alike to us, and if Allah wills, we shall be guided.” (71) Moses answered: “Lo! He says, she is a cow unyoked to plough the earth or to water the tillage, one that has been kept secure, with no blemish on her!” Thereupon they cried out: “Now you have come forth with the information that will direct us aright.” And they slaughtered her although they scarcely seemed to do so.28

      28 Through contact with the neighbouring people, the Israelites had become infected with the attitude of sanctifying the cow; in fact they had even become accustomed to cow-worship. In order to disabuse the Jews of this, they were ordered to slaughter the cow. Their professed belief that God alone was worthy of worship could be tested only by asking them to slaughter with their own hands


      Al-Baqarah 2: 72–4


      (72) And recall when you killed a man and then began to remonstrate and cast the blame (of killing) upon one another even though Allah was determined to bring to light what you were hiding. (73) Then We ordered: “Smite the corpse with a part of it.” Thus does Allah bring the dead to life and thus does He show His Signs that you might under- stand. (74) Then (even after observing this) your hearts hardened and became like stones, or even harder. For surely there are some stones from which streams burst forth and some that split asunder and water issues out, and some that crash down for fear of Allah. Allah is not heedless of the things you do.

      what they had formerly worshipped. This test was indeed a hard one since they were not fully imbued with faith. Hence, they tried to shelve the issue by resorting to enquiries about the kind of animal they were required to slaughter. But the more they enquired, the narrower the strait became for them, until the indications were as obvious as if someone had put his finger precisely on the particular animal they were required to slaughter – the animal which had for so long been an object of their worship.


      Al-Baqarah 2: 75–8


      (75) Do you hope that these people will believe in the Message you are preaching,29 even though a party of them has been wont to listen to the Word of Allah and after they had fully grasped it, knowingly distorted it? (76) And when they meet those who believe (in Muhammad) they say: “We too believe in him.” But in their intimate meetings they say to one another: “How foolish! Why should you intimate to them what Allah has revealed to you, for they will use it as argument against you before your Lord?” (77) Are they unaware that Allah knows all that they hide and all that they disclose? (78) Among them are also the unlettered folk who do not know about the Scriptures but cherish baseless wishes and merely follow their conjectures. ▶

      29 This is addressed to the converts of Madinah, who had then lately affirmed their faith in the Prophet (peace be on him). These people had some vague notions about Prophethood, Heavenly Scriptures, Angels, the After-Life, Divine Law and so on, and for this they were indebted to their Jewish neighbours. They naturally expected that those who already followed Prophets and Divine Scriptures, and who, by introducing them to these ideas had contributed to their embracing the true faith, would not only join the ranks of the true believers, but would even be amongst their vanguard.


      Al-Baqarah 2: 79–83


      (79) Woe, then, to those who write out the Scriptures with their own hands and then, in order to make a trifling gain, claim: “This is from Allah.” Woe to them for what their hands have written and woe to them for what they thus earn. (80) They say: “The Fire will certainly not touch us except for a limited number of days.” Say (to them): “Have you received a promise from Allah – for Allah never breaks His promise – or do you attribute to Allah something about which you have no knowledge?” (81) Those who earn evil and are encompassed by their sinfulness are the people of the Fire, and there will they abide; (82) those who believe and do righteous deeds are the people of the Garden, and there will they abide.

      (83) And recall when We made a covenant with the Children of Israel: “You shall serve none but Allah and do good to parents, kinsmen, orphans and the needy; you shall speak kindly to people, ▶


      Al-Baqarah 2: 84–5


      and establish Prayer and give Zakah (Purifying Alms). And yet, except for a few of you, you turned back on this covenant, and you are still backsliders. (84) And recall when We made a covenant with you, that you shall not shed one another’s blood, and shall not turn out one another from your homelands; you confirmed it, and you yourselves are witnesses to it. (85) And here you are, killing one another, turning out a party of your own from their homelands, aiding one another against them in sin and enmity, and if they come to you as captives you ransom them although the very act of expelling them was unlawful to you. Do you believe in a part of the Scripture

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