Towards Understanding the Qur'an. Sayyid Abul A'la Mawdudi

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Towards Understanding the Qur'an - Sayyid Abul A'la Mawdudi

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illustrious signs of God that it was very difficult for anyone conversant with the lives of the Prophets and the tenor of Divine Scriptures to doubt Muhammad’s prophethood.


      Al [Imran 3: 71–4 image


      (71) People of the Book! Why do you confound the Truth with falsehood, and why do you conceal the Truth knowingly?

      (72) A party of the People of the Book said: “Believe in the morning what has been revealed to those who believe, and then deny it in the evening that they may retract (from their faith).” (73) They also say among themselves: “Do not follow anyone except him who follows your faith.” Say: “Surely true guidance is Allah’s. It is His favour that anyone should be given the like of what you have been given in the past, and that others should have been given firm evidence to proffer against you before your Lord.” Say: “Surely bounty is in the Hand of Allah; He gives it to whom He wills. Allah is All-Embracing,20 All- Knowing. (74) He singles out for His Mercy whomever He wills. Allah is possessed of abounding bounty.”

      20 The word wasi[ which is used here occurs in the Qur’an in three contexts. The first context is the narrow-mindedness and mean outlook of certain people, in contrast to which God is not narrow. The second context is the denunciation of miserliness, meanness and niggardliness, in contrast to which God is Generous and Munificent. The third context is the ascription of finite, limited concepts to God as a result of their limited imagination, whereas the truth is that God is infinite.


      Al [Imran 3: 75–8 image


      (75) There are some among the People of the Book who will restore you even if you were to entrust a treasure of gold, and among them are also others who, were you to entrust one gold piece, will not restore it unless you stand over them. That is because they say: “We will not be taken to task for whatever we may do to non-Jews (ummis).” Thus they falsely fix a lie upon Allah, and do so wittingly. (76) But Allah loves only those who fulfil their covenant and fear Allah. Truly Allah loves the God-fearing. (77) There shall be no share in the Life to Come for those who sell away the covenant of Allah and their oaths for a trivial gain. On the Day of Resurrection Allah will neither address them, nor look at them, nor will He purify them. A grievous chastisement awaits them.

      (78) There is a party among them who twist their tongues while reciting the Book to make you think that it is part of the Book when in fact it is not. They say: “It is from Allah,” when in fact it is not from Allah. They falsely fix a lie upon Allah, and do so wittingly.


      Al [Imran 3: 79–81 image


      (79) It does not befit a man that Allah should grant him His Book and sound judgement and prophethood, and there- after he should say to people: “Become servants to me apart from Allah.” He would rather say: “Become dedicated men of Allah, in accord with the dictates of the Book you have been teaching and studying.” (80) He will never enjoin you to take the angels or Prophets for your lords. Will he enjoin upon you unbelief when you have submitted yourselves to Allah?

      (81) Recall when Allah took a covenant from the Prophets: “This is the Book and the Wisdom which I have granted you. But should a Prophet come to you confirming what you already possess, you shall believe in him and shall help him.”21 ▶

      21 This means that all Prophets had been asked to pledge – and the pledge of a Prophet is automatically binding upon his followers – that they would support every Prophet that God sent to preach and establish His religion, for the cause for which they had been raised. It is useful to point out that the Prophets before Muhammad (peace be on him) had to take this pledge, and this is why every Prophet announced to his followers the coming of other Prophets in the future and directed them to support those Prophets whenever they appeared. It seems significant that there is no mention, either in the Qur’an or in the Hadith, that the Prophet Muhammad (peace be on him) was asked to take such a pledge. Moreover,


      Al [Imran 3: 82–4 image


      So saying, Allah asked: “Do you agree and accept to take up the burden of the covenant?” They answered: “We agree.” He said: “Then bear witness; and I will be with you among the witnesses. (82) Then who- soever shall turn away from this covenant, they are the transgressors.”

      (83) Do they now seek a religion other than that pre- scribed by Allah and this despite all that is in the heavens and the earth is in submission to Him – willingly or unwillingly – and to Him all shall return? (84) Say: “We believe in Allah and what was revealed to us and what was revealed to Abraham and Ishmael and to Isaac and Jacob and his descendants, and the teachings which Allah gave to Moses and Jesus and to other Prophets. We make no dis- tinction between any of them; and to Him do we submit.” ▶

      the Prophet (peace be on him) neither informed his followers of the advent of any future Prophet nor did he direct them to believe in the prophethood of any such Prophet. On the contrary, he has been pronounced khatam al-nabiyin (the seal of the Prophets), meaning the last of them by the Qur’an. Several traditions from the Prophet (peace be on him) confirm that he categorically declared that no Prophet would come after him.


      Al [Imran 3: 85–90 image


      (85) And whoever seeks a way other than this way of sub- mission – Islam – will find that it will not be accepted from him and he will be among the losers in the Life to Come.

      (86) How can Allah guide a people who once believed, and after they had received Clear Signs and affirmed that the Messenger was a true one, they lapsed into disbelief? Allah does not guide the wrong- doers. (87) The recompense for their wrong-doing is that the curse of Allah and of the angels and of all men shall be upon them. (88) Thus shall they abide. Neither shall their chastisement be lightened nor shall they be granted any respite. (89) But for those who repent and mend their ways Allah is indeed Most Forgiving, Most Compassionate. (90) Those who disbelieved after having believed and then hardened in their disbelief,22 their (pretence to) repentance shall not be accepted. ▶

      22 These opponents of the Truth were not content with just rejecting the call to the Truth but stood in vehement opposition and hostility to it and spared no efforts to obstruct people from following the way of God. They created doubts, spread misgivings, sowed seeds of distrust and engaged in the worst conspiracies and machinations to frustrate the mission of the Prophet (peace be on him).


      Al [Imran 3: 91–3

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