Intrusive Beauty. Joseph J. Capista
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Intrusive Beauty
The Hollis Summers Poetry Prize
Named after the distinguished poet who taught for many years at Ohio University and made Athens, Ohio, the subject of many of his poems, this competition invites writers to submit unpublished collections of original poems. The competition is open to poets who have not published a book-length collection as well as to those who have.
Full and updated information is available on the Hollis Summers Poetry Prize web page:
Meredith Carson, Infinite Morning
Memye Curtis Tucker, The Watchers
V. Penelope Pelizzon, Nostos
Kwame Dawes, Midland
Allison Eir Jenks, The Palace of Bones
Robert B. Shaw, Solving for X
Dan Lechay, The Quarry
Joshua Mehigan, The Optimist
Jennifer Rose, Hometown for an Hour
Ann Hudson, The Armillary Sphere
Roger Sedarat, Dear Regime: Letters to the Islamic Republic
Jason Gray, Photographing Eden
Will Wells, Unsettled Accounts
Stephen Kampa, Cracks in the Invisible
Nick Norwood, Gravel and Hawk
Charles Hood, South × South: Poems from Antarctica
Alison Powell, On the Desire to Levitate
Shane Seely, The Surface of the Lit World
Michelle Y. Burke, Animal Purpose
Michael Shewmaker, Penumbra
Idris Anderson, Doubtful Harbor
Joseph J. Capista, Intrusive Beauty
Intrusive Beauty
Joseph J. Capista
Ohio University Press, Athens, Ohio 45701
© 2019 by Joseph J. Capista
All rights reserved
To obtain permission to quote, reprint, or otherwise reproduce or distribute material from Ohio University Press publications, please contact our rights and permissions department at (740) 593-1154 or (740) 593-4536 (fax).
Printed in the United States of America
Ohio University Press books are printed on acid-free paper
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Names: Capista, Joseph J., author.
Title: Intrusive beauty : poems / Joseph J. Capista.
Description: Athens, Ohio : Ohio University Press, 2019. | Series: Hollis
Summers poetry prize
Identifiers: LCCN 2018056336| ISBN 9780821423769 (paperback) | ISBN 9780821446652 (pdf)
Subjects: | BISAC: POETRY / General.
Classification: LCC PS3603.A65 A6 2019 | DDC 811/.6--dc23
LC record available at
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