The Self-Donation of God. Jack D. Kilcrease

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The Self-Donation of God - Jack D. Kilcrease

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      Kingly Mediation

      The book of Judges also demonstrates the need within Israel for the institution of the monarchy with the oft repeated refrain that “everyone did as he saw fit” (Judg 21:25). If Israel could not receive the law or obey the law, then it must be necessary for the law to be enforced. Deuteronomy emphasizes that the king is subject to the rule of the revealed law of Moses. He must keep his own copy of the law and study it diligently (Deut 17:18–20). The so-called Deuteronomistic history characterizes the rule of any given king as either righteous or unrighteous to the extent that they enforce the worship of the true God. Solomon initially comes off well insofar as he who builds the temple. Early in 1 Kings he is described as an embodiment of divine wisdom. Similarly, Josiah, who is described in 2 Kings as the most righteous of all the later kings (2 Kgs 23:25) is the one who purifies the Israelite cult and nation from idolatry (vv. 24–25).

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