Romans. Craig S. Keener

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Romans - Craig S. Keener New Covenant Commentary Series

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      Hag. Hagigah

      Hor. Horayot

      Hul. Hullin

      Mek. Mekilta

      m. Mishnah

      Pesah. Pesahim

      Pesiq. Rab. Pesiqta Rabbati

      Pesiq. Rab Kah. Pesiqta of Rab Kahana

      Pesiq. Rab Kah. Sup. Pesiqta of Rab Kahana Supplement

      Qed. Qedoshim

      Qidd. Qiddushin

      Rab. Rabbah

      Ros. Has. Ros HaShanah

      Sanh. Sanhedrin

      Seqal. Sheqalim

      Shab. Shabbat

      Shir. Shirata

      t. Tosefta

      Tg. Neof. Targum Neofiti

      Tg. Ps.-J. Targum Pseudo-Jonathan

      Tg. Qoh. Targum Qoheleth

      VDDeho. Vayyiqra Dibura Dehobah

      y. Jerusalem Talmud

      Yebam. Yebamot

      Early Christian Sources

      Apos. Con. Apostolic Constitutions

      Apostolic Fathers

      Barn. Barnabas

      1 Clem. 1 Clement

      Did. Didache

      Herm. Shepherd of Hermas

      Ign. Eph. Ignatius, To the Ephesians

      Ign. Magn. Ignatius, To the Magnesians

      Ign. Smyrn. Ignatius, To the Smyrnaeans


      Contin. Continence

      Doctr. chr. Christian Instruction

      Exp. prop. Rom. Commentary on Statements in the Letter to the


      Simpl. To Simplicianus

      Cyril of Alexandria

      Expl. Rom. Explanation into the Letter to the Romans

      Gregory of Nazianzus

      Or. Bas. Oration in Praise of Basil

      Theo. Or. Theological Orations


      Pelag. Against Pelagius

      John Chrysostom

      Hom. Cor. Homilies on Corinthians

      Hom. Rom. Homilies on Romans


      Dial. Dialogue with Trypho


      Comm. Rom. Commentary on Romans


      Comm. Rom. Commentary on Romans

      Theordoret of Cyr

      Interp. Rom. Interpretation of the Letter to the Romans

      Other Greco-Roman Sources

      Achilles Tatius

      Leuc. Clit. The Adventures of Leucippe and Cleitophon


      Nat. an. Nature of Animals


      Tim. Against Timarchus


      Ag. Agamemnon

      Suppl. Suppliant Women


      Metam. Metamorphoses (The Golden Ass)


      Eth. eud. Eudemian Ethics

      Eth. nic. Nichomachean Ethics

      Pol. Politics

      Rhet. Rhetoric

      Arius Didymus

      Epit. Epitome of Stoic Ethics


      Alex. Anabasis of Alexander

      Artemidorus Daldianus

      Onir. Onirocritica


      Deipn. Deipnosophists

      Aulus Gellius

      Noct. att. Attic Nights


      Bell. civ. Civil War

      Bell. gall. Gallic War


      Chaer. Chaereas and Callirhoe


      Amic. De amicitia

      Att. Epistulae ad Atticum

      Cael. Pro Caelio

      Cat. In Catalinam

      De or. De oratore

      Fam. Epistulae ad familiares

      Fin. De finibus

      Font. Pro fonteio

      Inv. De inventione rhetorica

      Leg. De legibus

      Mil. Pro Milone

      Mur. Pro Murena

      Nat. d. De natura deorum

      Off. De officiis

      Or. Brut. Orator ad M. Brutum

      Phil. Orationes philippicae


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