Preaching That Makes the Word Plain. William Clair Turner

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Preaching That Makes the Word Plain - William Clair Turner

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The image of this encounter is depicted no better than in the instance of the African slave who put the bible to his ear to hear what the ship captain who enslaved him had heard.

      And yet, one must test what is heard to know whether it is true. For instance, did the slave and the master hear the same word? It seems they didn’t. One heard a word that authorized making slaves of the heathens in perpetuity. The other read from the same chapter (Lev 25) that in the year of Jubilee all who were in bondage were set free. What’s more, this is the year that has been declared by the Messiah, upon whom the Spirit has come to rest and in whom the Spirit dwells without measure.

      Here the Spirit of wisdom matches the madness and folly of the generation. It exposes it for its true content in pneumatic space where the Spirit performs the work of liberation. One sees this most clearly in the intersection of Christology and pneumatology—preparation of the way for the Son, in the incarnation of the Son, the inauguration of the Son to Messianic office, in the ministry of the Son, and in the sending of the Spirit. The Spirit of liberty turns the hearts of those who believe to the wisdom of the just, prepares a people fit for their God, lifts the poor from the dung heap, and sets free those who are oppressed by the devil (Luke 1:17ff). In other words, where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.

      The work of exegesis serves to modulate the corrupted boundaries in which the hearers dwell. It disturbs the false placidity and undifferentiated ether of a world that has turned from its creator; it punctuates the noise of chaos with silences of the Spirit; it charges toxic atmosphere with divine effluvium. Then it translates what has been seen and heard in the counsel of God into auditions that transform ordinary space into a doxological environment wherein God is present. The Lord is in his Holy Temple; let all the earth keep silence. Let the silence be broken only to say, “Speak Lord.”

      two from scribble to script: a spirituality of preaching

      Preaching comes from the passion of God. God moves graciously toward the creation in an act that is straight from the heart. Like the gift of the Son, God’s address is the outflow of love and compassion. In preaching, the unsurpassed gift of God finds its continuation in zeal and work to save the world—to heal the creation and restore it into fellowship. It is addressed to the creature, whose vocation is to lead the creation into obedience to Christ.

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