Inerrancy and the Spiritual Formation of Younger Evangelicals. Carlos R. Bovell

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Inerrancy and the Spiritual Formation of Younger Evangelicals - Carlos R. Bovell

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on with daily living. They do so by pragmatically incorporating competing worldviews to answer dialectically motivated needs that are consequential of the Christian antinomies.21 In other words, a fair measure of inconsistency is intuitively admitted and accepted, perhaps, if I may boldly add, to the effect that believers have intuited at some basic level that the Christian faith does not have the resources with which to answer its own questions.22 I have not the space to elaborate here, but even if something along these lines is granted, the way for plurality has been irrevocably opened.

      II. Plurality

      Virtually every Matthean commentary harmonizes the serpent and dove perspectives under some grand schema. Let us, however, resist that temptation by positing semantic approximates for the two. Let us, for the sake of the present discussion, allow “wise as a serpent” to mean “critical as a skeptic” and let us say that “simple as a dove” means “naïve as a trusting believer.” This way whether one takes the metaphors to touch upon political outlooks, military and non-military stances, or some other range of activity or relationship we can still emphasize the diametric involved.

      Not a few scholars have commented upon the stress that is caused by the dual responsibility of both maintaining a critical mind and preserving a sympathetic naivety when they study Scripture, construct theology, interact with others, etc. Crosby, for example, inquires of similar tensions when, in a review of a recent work, he asks:

      Familiar to all is a situation wherein a writer is grating toward “outsiders” and gratulatory to “insiders,” but remarkable and scarce is the person who is truly both to both.

      III. Synthesis

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