Voices from the Heart of God’s Inspired Word. Allan Martling
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16. Mortal: I know You always watch over me, O God, and so I seek Your home, El Shaddai. You are goodness itself. I am drawn close to Your faithful people! They are so life-giving to be around. Those who seek other things to worship bring troubles on themselves. They make great sacrifices and bow down to things and dreams that do not love them back. I know the futility of their efforts. You, El Shaddai, are all I have and all I need. My future is in Your care. Your gifts are generous, abundant, and perfect. So I praise You, El Shaddai, for You guide me and direct me even when my vision dims. I am always aware of Your presence, which is near, accessible and trustworthy. So I am thankful and glad, and I feel completely secure. You protect me even from the power of death, for even in death, I will not be abandoned beyond death. You always show me the pathway that leads to life. Your presence fills me with joy and brings me pleasure and joy forever.
17. Mortal: Sovereign God, I thank You for listening to my plea for justice and paying attention to my cry for help, for these are honest prayers. I ask that You will judge in my favor because You are a just God. You know my heart. You have examined my thoughts, even in the deep of night, and found no evil desire in me. I live to be free from evil, seeking to obey Your commands, and choosing pathways free of violence; my longing, to walk in Your way and never stray from it. And so I lift my prayers to You, knowing that You answer them in your time and Your way. I thank You that You reveal Your saving love. I pray for Your continuing protection. Hide me as a mother hen hides her babies beneath her wings. At times like these, I feel surrounded by those who have no pity and speak with swagger and arrogance. I feel dragged down by their presence. They seem like predators waiting to tear me to pieces. Confront them, O God, with Your powerful will. Deliver me from the terror of their greed. Punish them in such a way that not only they, but their descendants, are severally harmed. I am grateful that I can look upon You in some special way this night, so I may know fairness and justice; faithfulness living in peace.
18. Mortal: Sovereign God, I love Your protecting power. You are my rock, my protector, and my strength. El Shaddai, You are my place of safety. You protect me like a strong wall. I call for help and find myself within Your home. Even when I fear death and the grave, You answer my cries for help. Even when the earth trembles and the foundations of the mountains shake and tremble, as though in Your anger; even when they erupt with flame, smoke, and flying debris, filling the sky with thick clouds; even then I am in Your presence. At times when the sky is a torrent of lightning and thunder or when the ocean heaves with a great tsunami, El Shaddai, You reach out and pull me from the deep waters. In such ways also I am saved from the threat of those who wish to harm me. You help me in times of danger as a sign of blessing. So I am grateful because You watch over the faithful and care for the humble and obedient who do not turn away from You. El Shaddai, You know when we have followed Your commands and when we have chosen not to do wrong. So we are rewarded in our faithfulness, rejoicing in our discipline to follow You. El Shaddai, You have covenanted to be our God, if we will covenant to be Your people. We are thankful that You keep Your Covenant when we are faithful and humble, when You give us strength in danger. We are grateful when we experience Your perfect acts, Your dependable words, Your safe love, and Your strong pathways. Your care of us is observed and known by others, for Your power has kept us safe, and we have never fallen. You give us strength for the challenges and battles of life. Because of Your powerful will, our problems sometimes become like dust that the wind blows away. People look to us for leadership because of the strength of our Covenant together. So I will praise You, my defender and my guide. I will proclaim Your greatness. You have protected me from violent folk. And so I praise You among the peoples and sing Your praises in all that I do. You give great power to those whom You have blessed to lead.
19. Mediator: How clearly the sky reveals the glory of El Shaddai. How plainly it shows what She has done. Each day announces it to the following day. Each night repeats Her glory to the next. No speech or words are used. No sound is heard. Yet the message is heard throughout the world. She ordained that the sun appears in the morning like a happy bridegroom and an athlete eager to run a race. The sun runs the race from one horizon to the other. Nothing can hide from its heat. El Shaddai’s Commandments are perfect, giving all new strength. Her will and ways are trustworthy, giving wisdom to those who lack it. Her laws are good, and happy are those who obey them. Her commands are just and give understanding to the mind. The worship of El Shaddai is good and will continue forever. Her judgments are fair. They are more desirable that the finest gold; Her justice is sweeter than honey. They give knowledge to Her servants who are rewarded for obeying them. No one can see one’s own errors.
Mortal: Keep me from the sins I know I should not do, yet I do them anyway. Don’t let these bad choices rule over me. Then I shall be closer to perfection and freer from the temptations of others. May my words and my thoughts be acceptable to You, Sovereign God, my Refuge and my Redeemer.
20. Mediator: May the Sovereign God seek you when you are in trouble. May the God of your ancestors protect you; may El Shaddai surround you with help from on high. May She accept all your offerings and be pleased with all your sacrifices. May She give you what you desire and make all your faithful plans succeed. Then shout for joy and celebrate your humble accomplishments. May God answer your prayers in Her time and Her way. Now I know that God upholds faithful leaders, giving them power to prevail in times of great challenge. Some trust in the weapons of war and other violence. They will stumble and fall. Trust in God, who is Sovereign over all principalities and powers even death itself. Then you will rise and stand firm. Pray always to El Shaddai, who will consider and hold precious your prayers.
21. Mediator: Those with the gift of leadership are glad, El Shaddai, because You give them strength. They rejoice because You help them prevail in times of great challenge. You have given them their heart’s desire, having heard their prayers. You shower them with great blessings and anoint them with honor. They ask for life and You give it, a long and lasting life. Because of Your nurture and direction, they are recognized and respected. Your blessings are with them forever, and Your presence fills them with joy. And the servant leaders trust in You. Because of Your constant love, they will always be secure. They will prevail over those who are violent and corrupt. Those who reject You, El Shaddai, and Your ways, will disappear as though they have been consumed by fire. The arrogant and self-satisfied make their plans and plot against Your messengers. Your purposes and ways will ultimately prevail. Praise El Shaddai for great strength. Sing praise for Her power!
22. Mortal: My God, my God, why have You deserted me? I have cried desperately for help, but still it does not come. Every day I call, but You do not answer. Every night I cry, but You are silent. Our faith community calls you the Holy One and sings Your praises. Our ancestors put their trust in You, and You rewarded them with salvation. They called to You when in danger, and their trust was rewarded. But I am not even a mortal in my distress. I am like a worm, despised and scorned by everyone. Others make fun of me, abuse me, and shake their heads. “You relied on El Shaddai,” they say. “Why doesn’t She save you? If She likes you, why doesn’t She help you?” It was You, O God, who brought me safely through birth and when I was a baby, You kept me safe. I have relied on You since the day I was born. You have always nurtured, saved, and sustained me. So, in these times of distress, do not stay away from me! Trouble is all around, and I see or hear no one to help me. I am overwhelmed by the strength of those who bear down on me. They are like predators. My strength is gone, like water spilled on dry ground. All my body is like ashes and dust. My heart melts like wax in a hot flame, and my tongue sticks to the roof of my mouth. Have You left me for dead? I am surrounded by violence, like a pack of dogs trying to tear at my hands and feet. The only thing they value is my clothes. I am so hungry