Agape and Personhood. David L. Goicoechea

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Agape and Personhood - David L. Goicoechea Postmodern Ethics

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draw conclusions from the universal and particular do not work

      in the case of the individual exception and:

      It is asking too much of an ordinary reviewer

      to be interested in the dialectical battle in which

      the exception arises in the midst of the universal,

      the protracted and very complicated procedure

      in which the exception battles his way through

      and affirms himself as justified,

      for the unjustified exception is recognized precisely

      by his wanting to bypass the universal. (226)

      Job began like Abraham with a vision of land, nation and name

      and he was promised he would attain his aesthetic dream if he

      would be ethically good and follow the laws of God and he did that

      and he did gain prosperity, posterity and rich blessings for all.

      Then at step three of the dialectic he was challenged by the universal

      and losing prosperity, posterity and blessing he stood face

      to face with the problem of evil and wondered how a good God

      could be so unjust as to punish him so when he was good.

      Then in step four the universal order of God appeared in the great

      storm and Job repented in infinite resignation and absolutely

      loved the absolute so that he now in step five saw God anew.

      In step six according to the epilogue of the miracle he got

      his children back a second time and in step seven he was

      prosperous once again having recovered the aesthetic.

      This battle is the same one that the prodigal must go through

      when he wants to win over the elder brother in reconciliation

      for the elder brother represents the universal order of the law.

      II.3.9 Loving the God-Man as More Important

      So Job like Abraham is a type of the God-man who gives up all

      for the other in a spirit of praising love that recollects the dead.

      When Job first lost everything he still prayed: “The Lord has

      given; the Lord has taken away, blessed be the name of the Lord.”

      But, as he was taunted by his friends he began to give in

      to temptation and sigh and lament the very day he was born.

      Finally he wished he could take God before a court of law.

      At first Job saw all the world as a gift from God and then he came

      to see it only as the problem of evil that looked worse and worse.

      So it was with Kierkegaard. He came to see himself as a problem.

      He could no longer stand his depressed father and moved out.

      He was a small, hunch-back, gay, little guy who could not

      even write his thesis. He not only had problems; he was a problem.

      He was a physical, social, sexual, intellectual mess of problems.

      But then Regina loved him and he loved her and all his problems

      turned into gifts for now he was reconciled with his father.

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