Seeking a Revival Culture. Allen M. Baker

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Seeking a Revival Culture - Allen M. Baker

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the wisdom and insight to more readily and practically apply what you already know? This wisdom and insight is the essence of the revival culture we so desperately need.


      He made known to us the mystery of His will, according to His kind intention which He purposed in Him.

      Ephesians 1:9

      All the years of searching for wisdom finally resulted in the mystery of the gospel being revealed to Augustine. Paul the Apostle in Ephesians 1:9 is speaking of this mystery. Jesus speaks of “the mystery of the kingdom” in Matthew 13:11. In Matthew 11:25, Jesus says, “Father I thank You that you have hidden these things from the wise and intelligent and have revealed them to babes.” Paul speaks of this mystery in many places, (see Ephesians 3:2ff, 6:19, 1 Corinthians 2:6ff, Romans 11:25, 16:25, Colossians 1:27, 4:3). A mystery is something once concealed but later revealed. The Old Testament spoke of Christ but in types and shadows. The advent of Christ made the gospel clear. Paul is saying in Ephesians 1:9 that we ought to celebrate the revelation of the mystery of the gospel. The simple truth is this—if you are a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ, then the mystery of the gospel has been made clear to you. God has opened your eyes and ears. He has enabled you to repent and believe. There are, of course, other mysteries in the Bible, doctrines like the Trinity and the hypostatic union (how the two natures of Christ can be in one person), but Paul is speaking here of the mystery of the gospel made known to us for salvation by the work of the Holy Spirit.

      Know this—the gospel continues to be, to those without eyes to see or ears to hear, utter and complete foolishness, (see 1 Corinthians 1:18, 2:14). Why? Theologians speak of the fall into sin putting us into a state of corruption, status corruptionis. This fall has rendered us non posse, non peccare, not possible not to sin. This corruption had produced in all of us the noetic (from the Greek word nous, which means mind) effects of sin. Our minds are so adversely affected by the fall that we cannot understand the gospel of Christ. It is foolishness to us. Here’s an application for all church leaders—if this is true, then why compromise the gospel message? Why water it down? Why hint at the possibility of other ways to God? Why flatter people by refusing to tell them how corrupt they are, how sinful they are? Why stay away from the H word (the doctrine of hell)? The natural man, the unconverted, sees the gospel as foolishness. Of course he does not believe it. The Holy Spirit must call him, regenerate him. Then and only then are his eyes and ears opened.

      And here’s a personal application—if you are a believer, remember that you had nothing to do with it. God has revealed the mystery to you. He has opened your eyes and ears so that you may rejoice in being called a sinner and in trusting the sufficiency of Christ on the cross.

      And here is another practical application—put away your former poverty and live out your privileges, responsibilities, and securities. The old man, the old you, is dead (Romans 6:1–5), what you were before you became a Christian. Don’t go back to the way you lived formerly. How stupid would it be for a wealthy man coming out of poverty to go back to that lifestyle! Instead live out your privileges. You can start by meditating on your adoption, your access to the Father, and the comforting fact of the Spirit and the Son are interceding for you, (see Romans 8:14ff). But you also need to live out your responsibilities. How about Romans 12:1ff, where you are commanded to offer yourselves as living sacrifices to God; where you are told to love one another, to forgive one another, to show kindness to one another, where you are called to live authentic lives before a watching world. And finally you need to live out your securities. Oh, there is so much in Scripture about this! Consider Isaiah 25:1, 43:1–3, 45:6ff, 46: 8ff, 40:27ff.

      Will you bow in awe and wonder at God revealing to you the mystery of redemption? God in His sheer mercy has opened your eyes to see what so many cannot see. To whom much is given, much is required. Will you not live out your privileges, responsibilities, and securities in covenantal faithfulness? Will you not pour out your life for the progress of the gospel in your community and beyond? This progress is true revival living. It is Acts 2 Christianity.


      In Him also we have obtained an inheritance, having been predestined according to His purpose who works all things after the counsel of His will.

      Ephesians 1:11

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