Loved from Eternity. D. E. Young
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“You shall be as the Highest”?
Or else “he died, he died”?
August 2012
Imagine This
If you would stretch your vision
Imagine if you can
The glory of our Savior,
The only Righteous Man,
Forsaken of His Father
For wretches such as I,
Denied, condemned, and dying
Beneath a darkened sky
My guilt and sorrow bearing,
The theanthropic man,
That I might be forgiven:
Imagine if you can.
September 2012
Bear Ye One Another’s Burdens
If it weighs upon you, brother,
It shall weigh upon me too.
If my Lord has borne my burden,
Then I must bear yours with you.
September 2012
(From Romans 14)
If you think love is lawless,
What are you dreaming of?
To love is to fulfill the law,
To keep the law, to love.
September 2012
On the Cancer of a Friend
How awful and tragic is cancer!
I hope against cancer we win,
But more than a world without cancer,
I long for a world without sin.
September 2012
The Perfect Church
If you the perfect church should find
Keep this one thought before your mind:
If joining it you should think fit,
That deed would surely ruin it.
September 2012
On the Attire of the High Priest
Engrave me on the onyx stones
That shall upon Thy shoulders be.
Engrave me on the precious gems
That on Thy heart the world shall see.
For Thou didst bear my name on High
Before the Judge and Majesty
When Thou didst offer up Thyself,
A Ransom and a Remedy.
Who am I, Lord, that Thou should’st love
The weak and wretched, vile and poor,
That Thou should’st give Thyself for me
That Thou my ruin might restore?
Blest be the Father’s mighty Love,
Blest be the Savior’s Mercy free,
Blest be the Spirit, earnest given
That I Thy blessed Face shall see.
October 2012
Thy Will be Done
(I Samuel 3:18)
Lord, let Thy will be done
Whate’er Thou dost ordain,
In peace and happiness and joy,
In sorrow and in pain.
O glorify Thy name
E’en when we know not how.
Submissively before Thy throne
Thy chosen people bow.
The priest of old discerned
‘Twas not Thy will to save,
But when Thy glory did depart
He lay down in his grave.
Before the awful tree
Did agonize Thy Son,
But still submissively He prayed,
“Thy will, not Mine, be done.”
October 2012
For Buttons, a Dachshund
Sleep, little friend, from care set free.
Know you were precious unto me.
No pain or sorrow more to know,
Where grief and anguish cannot go.
If God on sparrows spends His care,
In His safekeeping you must share.
Know you were loved entirely.
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