You Teach Me Light. Melaney Poli

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You Teach Me Light - Melaney Poli

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I had nowhere to go to, nowhere to

      hide my shame, no means of protest when

      the waiter returned and served us sweetly,

      set the coffee before me, and the only way

      I could ask is a veil any better than a chador?

      was to say, simply, Dankeschön


      Name a place: even the sounds

      tell the tale. And gravity, distance, distort.

      The stars over Germany in winter swung the whole sky

      northward, past the clay tiles around my rooftop window

      I could lean out and watch a cold dawn blot them into day

      Hawai’i was nothing but sun or rain or vowels, all

      a matter of light, cloud, dirt, wind, blue and green

      We learned about places impossibly far away

      Stars, when they came, spilled wider than the ocean

      Somewhere they shone over other places

      over you, over the Dutch flag that I was convinced

      was that of every nation, even over the dark wake

      of the midnight ferry from Oostende

      the crooked finger of the Chesapeake

      that surprised me from the plane. Home must be

      where I tend to, the tongue I am understood. Its weight

      changes the shape of everything, each tale telling

      every sound, every place in one name.

      process of conversion

      1 impasse

      they wanted me to conduct Second Waltz

      for a high school orchestra class

      and I thought one part went in 3/4

      and one in 2/2

      and the sign for the time

      was the symbol for infinity

      everything disorganized

      and last minute and late

      looking for parts, stands and chairs

      I don’t recall even beginning

      2 epiphany

      on a ship on an icy sea being “chased” by an ice floe

      and you didn’t know if it ended as a shipwreck or not

      and I was thinking “I am so tired of shipwrecks!”

      3 breakthrough

      I was instrumental in saving the government of a small African nation from overthrow by two women.

      4 taking stock

      Photographs, and

      digging in a park in a depressed area of France

      with a boy and girl, and we uncovered beautiful

      mineral stones in labels, but who had thrown them away?

      5 orientation

      A rock musician, hugely popular

      wore nothing but white

      even his hair

      “He was different from the others

      because when we told him to die

      he did, and was very happy.”

      6 perseverance

      We kept running into members of Dave Matthews Band,

      and someone told them about the book. One of them said

      he wanted to see it sometime. I was flattered, I didn’t think

      he was serious. I was in my room reading when he suddenly

      walked in and said “Well, where is it?” and I thought

      “Oh gosh, he really wants to see it,

      what have I been doing?”

      Ursa Vestiarii

      the bear got out of the closet

      it had been rattling the doorknob

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