Judges. Abraham Kuruvilla

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Judges - Abraham Kuruvilla

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Othniel (3:7–11), that precisely fulfills all the elements of the paradigmatic cycle of 2:11–19.126 In any case, the outlook is bleak for the Israelites and this period of the judges.

      2.1. Judges 2:6—3:6

2Personal experience of God produces unwavering commitment to him, with minimizing of self so as to give him glory (2:6—3:11).
2.1Failure to experience God firsthand and forsaking him have disastrous consequences (2:6—3:6).
2.1.1Failure to experience God firsthand dilutes commitment to him.
2.1.2Forsaking the true God and following other idols have disastrous consequences.

      NOTES 2.1

      2.1.1 Failure to experience God firsthand dilutes commitment to him.

      The narrative could easily have moved from 2:5 to 2:11, from repentance to regression, from contrition to corruption. Instead, we have a sort of detour in 2:6–10 to establish a theological point. Judges 2:6–10 is almost identical to Josh 24:28–31, but it weaves the story in its own way for a different theological purpose—a case of the author doing things with what he is saying. The death of Joshua had already been noted in Jdg 1:1, to introduce the military failures of the Israelite conquest. Now the restatement of the hero’s demise in Pericope 2 explores the theological underpinnings of these Israelite debacles.


      2.1.2 Forsaking the true God and following other idols have disastrous consequences.

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