Judges. Abraham Kuruvilla

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Judges - Abraham Kuruvilla

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significant than what their predecessors exhibited: Gideon, in his hubris, spurs the nation to idolatry, Jephthah performs a human sacrifice in an attempt to manipulate Yahweh, and Samson, enslaved to his sensual passions, abandons the calling of Yahweh entirely. The activities of this final trio are also marked by brutal vengeance: Gideon against the Succothites and Penuelites (8:4–9, 13–17); Jephthah against the Ephraimites (12:1–6); and Samson, rather randomly, against the Philistines (15:3, 7–8; etc.). Gideon’s and Jephthah’s actions against their own fellow-Israelites, and the Judahites betrayal of Samson to the Philistines (15:9–13) bespeak an internal fracturing that, not surprisingly, culminates in the bloody civil war of Epilogue II (Pericopes 13 and 14: Jdg 19:1–30 and 20:1—21:25).23





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