A Jolly Folly?. Allan J. Macdonald

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A Jolly Folly? - Allan J. Macdonald

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position now being occupied by the altar, but the bishop and his subordinates still wear their imperial court robes, a contemporary fashion from two thousand years ago. In the Western church, clerical robes are modeled on courtly robes from the time of Constantine, while in the Orthodox churches the vestments worn by bishops are the same as those once worn by the emperor in church.

      Religion of the Romans

      The Romans were polytheistic (with over sixty known gods), the greatest of their gods being Jupiter followed by Mars, Quirinus, Diana, Mercury, and Saturn. By the New Testament era, Roman emperors were themselves being worshipped as the embodiment of these gods. The Roman was, by nature, a very superstitious person. Emperors would tremble and even legions refuse to march if the omens were bad ones. The Pantheon in Rome was home to all their gods.


      If the pontifex maximus (greatest pontiff) was the head of Roman state religion, then much of the organization rested with four religious colleges, whose members were appointed for life and with a few exceptions, were selected from among distinguished politicians. The highest of these bodies was the Pontifical College, which consisted of the rex sacrorum, pontifices, flamines, and the vestal virgins. Rex sacrorum (the king of rites) was an office created under the early republic as a substitute for royal authority over religious matters. Later he might still have been the highest dignitary at any ritual, even higher than the pontifex maximus, but it became a purely honorary post. Sixteen pontifices (priests) oversaw the organization of religious events. They kept records of proper religious procedures and the dates of festivals and days of special religious significance. The flamines were priests to individual gods: three for the major gods Jupiter, Mars, and Quirinus, and twelve for the lesser ones. These individual experts specialized in the knowledge of prayers and rituals specific to their particular deity. The flamen dialis, the priest of Jupiter, was the most senior of the flamines. On certain occasions his status was equal to those of the pontifex maximus and the rex sacrorum. The vestal virgins (numbering two to six) were priests to Vesta, the god of home/family. The only female priests permitted in the Roman system, they kept a sacred fire burning in her temple in Rome.

      The temptation by some in the church to imitate the Roman calendar is understandable when we remember that the early church was composed of many converted Jews and Gentile proselytes to Judaism, all of whom had been used to following the Jewish calendar with its feasts and holy days throughout the different seasons of the year. Such imitation was not novel to the second and third centuries AD, as it was already happening during the Apostolic era. Paul addresses the issue in Galatians, to which we have already referred. He condemned such days when he rebuked believers who wanted to retain the old covenant shadows.

      But now that you have come to know God, or rather to be known by God, how can you turn back again to the weak and worthless elementary principles of the world, whose slaves you want to be once more? You observe days and months and seasons, and years! I am afraid I may have laboured over you in vain. (Gal 4:9–11)

      James Bannerman writes:

      And in the context it is not difficult to gather the twofold ground on which the apostle condemned such observances. First of all, he grounded condemnation of ecclesiastical days on the fact that, in attaching importance to them, and regarding them as ordinary parts of the service due to God, the Galatians, like “children, were in bondage under the elements (stoicheia) of the world;” in other words, he stigmatises these appointments of days and seasons as rudimentary observances suited to the infancy of the church, but only fetters to it now, when it ought to have arrived at spiritual manhood.

      Since 500 BC (era of Esther), Roman pagans had kept the holiday of Saturnalia, a weeklong period of lawlessness celebrated between the 17th and 23rd of December, which had evolved out of worship of the mythological god Saturn, attributed with control of wealth and agriculture to name but a few of his supposed attributes. During this festival period, Roman courts were closed and Roman law dictated that no one could be punished for damaging property or injuring people during the weeklong celebration. It was largely wild, violent, and immoral. It was the only week of the year when gambling was permitted in public.


      Costumes were worn and cross-dressing was common, as was

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