Luke. Diane G. Chen

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Luke - Diane G. Chen New Covenant Commentary Series

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who had spent time exploring Judaism and its Scriptures before becoming a Christian (cf. Acts 10:35; 13:16, 26). A well-educated man in any of these categories could fit the profile. Even the universal outlook in Luke-Acts does not necessitate that the author be gentile.

      In spite of the widely-accepted opinion that Luke the physician authored this Gospel, our inability to draw a definitive conclusion about the author begs the question of the importance of an irrefutable answer for understanding the book’s message. Put differently, does not knowing more about Luke beyond some general tidbits change our reading of the narrative as a credible presentation and sound interpretation of Jesus? The answer is, “No, not as far as the key theological message about God’s plan of salvation is concerned.” We believe that the transmitters of the Jesus traditions, from whom Luke gathered his materials, as well as Luke himself, remained faithful in passing on the teachings and actions of Jesus as truthfully and accurately as they knew how. Some uncertainty on the issue of authorship notwithstanding, the text of the Gospel of Luke, as we now have it, is trustworthy for faith and discipleship.

      Reading the Gospel as Scripture is at its core a matter of trust. The reader has to trust Luke the historian, biographer, theologian, and Christ-follower. More importantly, the reader has to trust God’s intervention in the writing, transmission, and reading of this Gospel. The process by which the Holy Spirit connects the author, the text, and the reader for the latter’s formation and edification remains a mystery of faith. In this commentary, I will refer to the author as Luke, with the understanding that this identification, albeit an educated guess, comes with a considerable amount of credible circumstantial evidence.

      Recipients, Dating, and Place of Writing

      Even though there is only one specifically named dedicatee, Luke’s narrative would have been read by more than Theophilus alone. A wider circle of followers of Jesus, perhaps the faith community of which Theophilus was part, would have listened to a public reading of Jesus’ story. Given the content of Luke-Acts, the sophisticated Greek prose, and the direction in which the gospel was spread from Palestine to the larger Greco-Roman world in the first few decades of the early church, one may surmise that Luke’s audience consisted mainly of urban gentile Christians, though Christian communities across the Roman Empire would have had a mix of Jewish and gentile believers in differing proportions.


      Another similarity between ancient biography and the Gospel of Luke is a heavy focus on the subject’s ideas, words, deeds, and the way in which the person dies, especially in the case of a heroic death. Much of Luke’s story contains Jesus’ teachings, miracles, healings, and exorcisms. Through Jesus’ encounters with the crowd, his disciples, his family, and his enemies, the storytelling discloses the identity and mission of Jesus. In particular, the death of Jesus and its significance receive much emphasis. The passion narrative, from Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem to his resurrection and ascension, covers twenty percent of the entire book.


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