Reality. Wynand De Beer

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Reality - Wynand De Beer

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the heavenly gods, while the remaining three classes of living beings were made by these gods. Plato’s delegation of the rest of the creative work to the celestial gods may reflect a notion that the heavenly bodies, especially the Sun, actively generates life on Earth.117 We also read in the Politeia that the Sun is the cause of coming to be, growth, and nourishment of things in the visible world, without itself coming to be (Book VI, 509b).

      Antithesis: The Role of Necessity

      The phenomenon of physical deformity has been explained by Thomas Aquinas in terms of Aristotelian causality: “For if the matter is not disposed to receive the agent’s imprint [i.e., the operation of the efficient cause] a defect will follow in the effect, as when monsters are born because of unprepared matter: the fact that it doesn’t transform and actualize the indisposed matter can’t be laid at the door of the agent, for agents have powers proportioned to their natures and their inability to go further can’t be called deficiency in power; we can say that only when its power falls short of the measure laid down by nature” (Summa contra Gentiles, 3.10).

      Synthesis: The Combination of Intellect and Necessity

      After describing the role of Necessity, Plato devotes the next part of the Timaeus to a discussion of the physical cosmos, which is presented as the offspring of the union of Intellect and Necessity. Stated the other way around, Intellect persuades Necessity to form the initial universe: “For the generation of this universe was a mixed result of the combination of Necessity and Intellect. Intellect overruled Necessity by persuading her to guide the greatest part of the things that become towards what is best; in that way and on that principle this universe was fashioned in the beginning by the victory of reasonable persuasion over Necessity” (Tim, 48a; Cornford’s translation). As Plato concludes, “That is why we must distinguish two forms of cause, the divine and the necessary” (Tim, 68e).

      However, the result of the restriction of the activity of Intellect by irrational Necessity is that the physical world displays both design and accident, is both purposeful and contingent, and harbours both good and bad. This statement should not be confused with Gnostic dualism, according to which the world is inherently evil due to its creation by an inferior deity. In the traditional understanding, evil is not self-existing but follows from a privation of goodness, just as darkness is due to an absence of light.

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