Visions of the Lamb of God. Andrew Scott Brake
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Jesus also promised a white stone to the overcoming church. White stones were given to those who were especially invited to a feast, like a wedding invitation (see Revelation 19 and the wedding supper of the Lamb). The “new name” on the white stone is a mark of genuine membership in the community, an identity deeper still than our new name/status in Christ, without which we could not enter into the kingdom of God.111 Isaiah 62:2 says, “The nations shall see your righteousness, and all the kings your glory, and you shall be called by a new name that the mouth of the Lord will give.” This stone was white because of the righteousness of the saints who refused to participate in the Balaam cult of idolatry and sexual immorality.
Seeking Jesus means seeking him in prayer (alone and with others), seeking him in fellowship with other believers, seeking him as we communicate the message of the gospel and the testimony of our changed lives to neighbors, family, and friends, seeking him Sunday through Sunday, and guarding our ears and our hearts and our eyes against the unholy, rotten food of the world. We will then not fear the sword in his mouth. We will stand before him as one accepted and righteous.
Jesus said in John 6:27, “Do not work for the food that perishes, but for the food that endures to eternal life, which the Son of Man will give to you. For on him God the Father has set his seal.” The people asked Jesus, “What must we do, to be doing the works of God?” Jesus simply said, “This is the work of God, that you believe in him whom he has sent.” It is those who believe in the Bread from Heaven and seek him that will be given a new name—this secret name known only to God and to us when we get to Heaven. When we seek the Bread of Life for our forgiveness and salvation, we are presented the stone of invitation to the wedding banquet. We are free to enter before God because of Jesus.
102. Mounce, The Book of Revelation, 95.
103. Beale, The Book of Revelation, 246. Aune also lists possible meanings for Satan’s throne as the judge’s bench or tribunal where the proconsul sat to judge or Satan’s throne as the center of Christian persecution, though he leans toward the latter—Aune, Revelation 1–5, 182–84.
104. Mounce, The Book of Revelation, 96; Ladd, A Commentary on the Revelation of John, 46. See also Johnson, Hebrews through Revelation, 440.
105. τὴν πίστιν μου is the objective genitive, which could be translated “faith in me” (Beale, The Book of Revelation, 246). This suggests something of the church’s solidarity with the faithfulness of Jesus (Thomas and Macchia, Revelation, 100), though Thomas calls it a possessive genitive, as it would refer to Jesus’ faithfulness.
106. From the word πορνεῦσαι, where we get the English word “pornography”.
107. Ladd, A Commentary on the Revelation of John, 48. See also Osborne, Revelation, 145 who writes that it is probable that literal promiscuity is in view, similar to the libertinism of 1 John.
108. Beale, The Book of Revelation, 251.
109. The Greek word for “make war,” (πολεμήσω), is the word “polemic.” Beale sees an interesting parallel between the threat Balaam faced of being killed by the sword of the angel of the Lord (Numbers 22:23, 31) and his actual death when he did not heed the warning, and the threat to the church to be killed with the sword if they did not repent of his teachings—Beale, The Book of Revelation, 250.
110. Beale, The Book of Revelation, 252.
111. Beale, The Book of Revelation, 253–55. See also Osborne, Revelation, 149, who writes, “The manna and white stone are both eschatological symbols related to the messianic feast at the eschaton but also teaching the spiritual food and new name that God gives to the believer in the present as well.”
Revelation 2:18–29
Jesus’ Message to the Church in Thyatira
When our youngest son, Josiah, was little, the movie Toy Story came out. Josiah really liked Buzz Lightyear. He had a Buzz Lightyear toy that made cool sounds. One week, as Lora was praying for the kids before they went to school, she prayed that God would protect them. Josiah had asked her beforehand to pray that Buzz Lightyear would protect them. When Lora had finished praying and had not mentioned Buzz Lightyear, Josiah said, “You didn’t pray that Buzz Lightyear would protect us.” Lora said, “That’s because Jesus is able to protect you.” Josiah said, “But Jesus does not have lasers!” How about eyes of flames of fire and feet like burnished bronze!
Jesus has power. Jesus has authority. He is the One we want in our corner. But he is not the One we want to be on the wrong side of. Of the many things lacking in our cultures, one of the bigger ones is the lack of good authority figures in people’s lives. Our authority figures have often proved disappointing. They lack integrity, or they don’t have the kind of leadership we need. Maybe our parents have been bad examples of authority figures. Politicians we know certainly have been bad examples of authority figures. Even policemen, and sometimes teachers, have been bad examples.
With a lack of authority, there is an increasing sense of lost-ness or the feeling of chaos around us. “Who is in control anyway?” This is an especially crucial question in light of events that are happening around the world. In the book series, The Lord of the Rings, which was made into a motion picture, there is a time during the story where the four hobbits are walking through the old forest alone. There is no one to lead them. Their leader and teacher, Gandalf, had been detained by the once wise man who had succumbed to growing shadows of darkness. They were afraid, unaware of the dangers around them, and yet knowing that dangers were everywhere. Is this not an accurate picture of many we know? They are wandering this world with no leadership, and thus no direction, no purpose, and no hope; only fear and lost-ness and uncertainty.
The good news is that Jesus is in control! Jesus has authority. It is an authority He had before He came to the earth, and an authority He won again when He came to the earth to give up his life, so that the Father could honor him with the rule and kingdom that would last forever. It is this authority we see very clearly demonstrated in the message to the church in Thyatira. What do we know about Thyatira? It is one of the least known cities, but we do know it was situated about 40 miles east/southeast of Pergamum, along the Lycus River in fertile valleys. It was a Roman colony with many trade associations (guilds), and a religion dedicated to Apollo. It was a wealthy city. And I’m sure they had many who claimed a certain kind of authority. But the little persecuted church in this wealthy city needed a reminder of the true and real authority, Jesus alone.
Jesus identifies himself