Visions of the Lamb of God. Andrew Scott Brake

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Visions of the Lamb of God - Andrew Scott Brake

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matches the other person’s opinion. And if so, I can quietly do a high five to myself.

      Imagine how offensive we are to Jesus, however, when we live our lives with no concern with his opinion. This does not concern temporal matters of what to wear and how to plant our flowers. This concerns matters of the soul, matters of holiness and lifestyle. Imagine how offended Jesus is when we do not act like we need him in our lives? In living for Jesus, and in working for Jesus, there is no other one we need but Jesus. Unfortunately, we are so prone to forget him or get used to doing things without him, that we eventually almost completely leave him out of our decision processes. This was the problem in the congregation in Laodicea.


      Again, Jesus called the Laodicean church lukewarm. The word for lukewarm is χλιαρὸς (chliaros). That meant that they were filled with disease and bacteria. They were neither hot nor cold. He wanted them to be useful for his kingdom, but instead they were good for nothing except to be spit out. Jesus’ desire was that they would be either useful for healing or useful for refreshing, one or the other. But they were neither. Their purpose and ministry and usefulness in the kingdom were gone. This made the church distasteful to the Lord.

      We don’t need to investigate too many churches in the world to see that there are many churches very much like Laodicea. Many churches have ceased being useful vessels in the hand of the Lord, and he is about to spit them out of his mouth. He wants us to be cold waters of refreshment to the spiritually weary. Those who are burdened with life need the cup of cold water of encouragement from the church—the cold waters of the grace of God and mercies of Jesus. Instead, they often receive more burdens, more guilt, and more religion. Those who are thirsty for God must be able to find God among God’s people. There is no other place to look. The reason Western Europe is spiritually dead now is because the Christian churches in Western Europe stopped relying on Jesus for their sufficiency, began to call into question the Word of God, began to doubt the supremacy of Jesus, and when the starving and the thirsty unbeliever looked to the church for a cold drink of water, they found the well empty.

      I gave an assignment one semester at the University of Toledo where the students had to go to churches in the area before and after Thanksgiving Day to evaluate how those churches celebrated or recognized Thanksgiving. The responses in their papers and as they shared their experiences in class was sad to hear. Many of these students had not been in church for many years, some of them never. And the stories they told revealed how sick some of the churches themselves were. One young man, who had a long ponytail, and wore an army jacket, said that no one talked to him. He really felt like an outsider. Another mentioned how catty and gossipy the choir ladies were before they went up to sing.

      How can the sick find spiritual healing among the sick? Does this mean that the church today must be perfect, and everyone in the church spiritual giants? No. But the church is a hospital, and hopefully hospitals are places people go to find healing. There should be many sick people there, and we should all be in process of getting healthier, not sicker or more stagnant.

      Woe to the church if it ever thinks that it has attained completeness in its life and ministry so that

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