A Carolina Psalter. Tony Scully

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A Carolina Psalter - Tony Scully

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have trusted also in God without wavering.2 Examine me, O God, and prove me;Try my heart and my mind.3 For thy loving kindness is before mine eyes;And I have walked in thy truth.4 I have not sat with men of falsehood;Neither will I go in with dissemblers.5 I hate the assembly of evil-doers,And will not sit with the wicked.6 I will wash my hands in innocency:So will I compass thine altar, O God;7 That I may make the voice of thanksgiving to be heard,And tell of all thy wondrous works.8 God, I love the habitation of thy house,And the place where thy glory dwelleth.9 Gather not my soul with sinners,Nor my life with men of blood;10 In whose hands is wickedness,And their right hand is full of bribes.11 But as for me, I will walk in mine integrity:Redeem me, and be merciful unto me.12 My foot standeth in an even place:In the congregations will I bless God.

      Who judges me?

      By whose standards?

      Based on what?

      I seem attracted to fools

      And dissemblers

      Otherwise known as phony baloneys

      Is that because I’m bored

      Or need to feel superior?

      Why do I not concentrate

      On light instead

      And beautiful women

      Both on and off screen

      What about classical jazz?

      Do I know what I’m talking about?

      And politicians

      Who are honest and sincere

      A contradiction in terms

      Putting myself aside

      If that’s possible

      I’m glad to be here

      Present and accounted for

      Waiting on someone

      To rescue me

      Maybe even from myself

      My hope is in the Lord

      Psalm Twenty–seven

      1 God is my light and my salvation;Whom shall I fear?God is the strength of my life;Of whom shall I be afraid?2 When evil-doers came upon me to eat up my flesh,Even mine adversaries and my foes, they stumbled and fell.3 Though a host should encamp against me,My heart shall not fear:Though war should rise against me,Even then will I be confident.4 One thing have I asked of God, that will I seek after:That I may dwell in the house of God all the days of my life,To behold the beauty of God,And to inquire in his temple.5 For in the day of trouble he will keep me secretly in his pavilion:In the covert of his tabernacle will he hide me;He will lift me up upon a rock.6 And now shall my head be lifted up above mine enemies Round about me;And I will offer in his tabernacle sacrifices of joy;I will sing, yea, I will sing praises unto God.7 Hear, O God, when I cry with my voice:Have mercy also upon me, and answer me.8 When thou saidst, Seek ye my face; my heart said unto thee,Thy face, God, will I seek.9 Hide not thy face from me;Put not thy servant away in anger:Thou hast been my help;Cast me not off, neither forsake me, O God of my salvation.10 When my father and my mother forsake me,Then God will take me up.11 Teach me thy way, O God;And lead me in a plain path,Because of mine enemies.12 Deliver me not over unto the will of mine adversaries:For false witnesses are risen up against me,And such as breathe out cruelty.13 I had fainted, unless I had believed to see the goodness of God In the land of the living.14 Wait for God:Be strong, and let thy heart take courage;Yea, wait thou for God.


      Beyond myself

      Beyond my comprehension

      Beyond knowing

      And sensing

      And argument

      Gives me strength

      When I stop wondering about how weak I am

      And put off food and alcohol and drugs

      And my addiction to everything alive

      But me

      When I surrender to that something

      That imperceptible night

      I am suddenly filled with light

      A light known only to me

      Where are you now?

      Hear me

      Show me your face

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