Feeding with Love and Good Sense: The First Two Years. Ellyn Satter

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Feeding with Love and Good Sense: The First Two Years - Ellyn Satter Feeding with Love and Good Sense

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href="#fb3_img_img_86aa1215-f229-5384-91b3-3e321a539a2c.jpg" alt="Your baby eats best when you do what she wants."/> Your baby eats best when you do what she wants.

      Feed based on what your baby can do, not how old she is. Go at your baby’s rate. Enjoy cuddling and nipple-feeding. Start solids at the right time: not too early, not too late. Some babies are ready for mushy, semisolid foods from the spoon by 5 or 6 months old. Other babies are months older before they get ready.

      During her first year to 18 months, your child moves through 2 phases in feeding:

       The nipple only phase for newborns and infants, usually up to about 6 months old.

       The transition to family meals phase for older babies and almost-toddlers.

      Do not put cereal in the bottle. If your baby cannot eat from the spoon, she is not ready for solid foods and does not need the cereal.


       Does your baby need to eat, sleep, or talk?

      Your baby eats and sleeps best if you do what she wants. Let her sleep until she is ready to get up. Help her wake up to get ready to eat. Feed her right away when she is ready. Help her stay awake through the whole feeding by looking at her, talking quietly to her, and stroking her in a way she likes. Put her to bed when she is sleepy and ready for a nap.


       What sleep cycles look like

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