SAS Viya. Kevin D. Smith

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SAS Viya - Kevin D. Smith

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style="font-size:15px;">      a member of

      NOTE: isInRole - Shows whether a role is assumed

      NOTE: isAuthorized - Shows whether access is authorized

      NOTE: isAuthorizedActions - Shows whether access is

      authorized to actions

      NOTE: isAuthorizedTables - Shows whether access is authorized

      to tables

      NOTE: isAuthorizedColumns - Shows whether access is authorized

      to columns

      NOTE: listAllPrincipals - Lists all principals that have

      explicit access controls

      NOTE: whatIsEffective - Lists effective access and

      explanations (Origins)

      NOTE: listAcsData - Lists access controls for caslibs, tables,

      and columns

      NOTE: listAcsActionSet - Lists access controls for an action

      or action set

      NOTE: repAllAcsCaslib - Replaces all access controls for

      a caslib

      NOTE: repAllAcsTable - Replaces all access controls for a table

      NOTE: repAllAcsColumn - Replaces all access controls for

      a column

      NOTE: repAllAcsActionSet - Replaces all access controls for

      an action set

      NOTE: repAllAcsAction - Replaces all access controls for

      an action

      NOTE: updSomeAcsCaslib - Adds, deletes, and modifies some

      access controls for a caslib

      NOTE: updSomeAcsTable - Adds, deletes, and modifies some

      access controls for a table

      NOTE: updSomeAcsColumn - Adds, deletes, and modifies some

      access controls for a column

      NOTE: updSomeAcsActionSet - Adds, deletes, and modifies some

      access controls for an action set

      NOTE: updSomeAcsAction - Adds, deletes, and modifies some

      access controls for an action

      NOTE: remAllAcsData - Removes all access controls for a

      caslib, table, or column

      ... truncated ...

      This prints out a listing of all of the loaded action sets and the actions within them. It also returns a CASResults structure that contains the action set information in tabular form. The results of CAS actions are discussed later in this chapter.

      The help action takes arguments that specify which action sets and actions you want information about. To display help for an action set, use the actionset keyword parameter. The following code displays the help content for the builtins action set.

      In [5]: out ='builtins')

      NOTE: Information for action set 'builtins':

      NOTE: builtins

      NOTE: addNode - Adds a machine to the server

      NOTE: removeNode - Remove one or more machines from the server

      NOTE: help - Shows the parameters for an action or lists all

      available actions

      NOTE: listNodes - Shows the host names used by the server

      NOTE: loadActionSet - Loads an action set for use in this


      NOTE: installActionSet - Loads an action set in new sessions


      NOTE: log - Shows and modifies logging levels

      NOTE: queryActionSet - Shows whether an action set is loaded

      NOTE: queryName - Checks whether a name is an action or

      action set name

      NOTE: reflect - Shows detailed parameter information for an

      action or all actions in an action set

      NOTE: serverStatus - Shows the status of the server

      NOTE: about - Shows the status of the server

      NOTE: shutdown - Shuts down the server

      NOTE: userInfo - Shows the user information for your connection

      NOTE: actionSetInfo - Shows the build information from loaded

      action sets

      NOTE: history - Shows the actions that were run in this session

      NOTE: casCommon - Provides parameters that are common to many


      NOTE: ping - Sends a single request to the server to confirm

      that the connection is working

      NOTE: echo - Prints the supplied parameters to the client log

      NOTE: modifyQueue - Modifies the action response queue settings

      NOTE: getLicenseInfo - Shows the license information for a

      SAS product

      NOTE: refreshLicense - Refresh SAS license information from

      a file

      NOTE: httpAddress - Shows the HTTP address for the server


      Notice that help is one of the actions in the builtins action set. To display the Help for an action, use the action keyword argument. You can display the Help for the help action as follows:

      In [6]: out ='help')

      NOTE: Information for action '':

      NOTE: The following parameters are accepted.

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