Dreams & Visions. Edgar Cayce
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The auditory sense being of the attributes or senses that are more universal in aspect, when matter in its evolution has become aware of itself being capable of taking from that about itself to sustain itself in its present state. That is as of the lowest to the highest of animate objects or beings. From the lowest of evolution to the highest, or to man.
So, then, we find that there are left what is ordinarily known as four other attributes that are acting independently and coordinatingly in awareness for a physical body to be conscious. These, in the state of sleep or repose, or rest, or exhaustion, or induced by any influence from the outside, have become unaware of that which is taking place about the object so resting.
Then, there is the effect that is had upon the body as to what becomes, then, more aware to those attributes of the body that are not aware of that existent about them, or it. The organs that are of that portion known as the inactive, or not necessary for conscious movement, keep right on with their functioning—as the pulsations, the heart beat, the assimilating and excretory system, keep right on functioning; yet there are periods during such a rest when even the heart, the circulation, may be said to be at rest. What, then, is that that is not in action during such period? That known as the sense of perception as related to the physical brain. Hence it may be truly said, by the analogy of that given, that the auditory sense is sub-divided, and there is the act of hearing by feeling, the act of hearing by the sense of smell, the act of hearing by all the senses that are independent of the brain centers them-selves, but are rather of the lymph centers—or throughout the entire sympathetic system is such an accord as to be more aware, more acute, even though the body-physical and brain-physical is at repose, or unaware.
Of what, then, does this sixth sense partake, that has to do so much with the entity's activities by those actions that may be brought about by that passing within the sense range of an entity when in repose, that may be called—in their various considerations or phases—experiences of something within that entity, as a dream—that may be either in toto to that which is to happen, is happening, or may be only presented in some form that is emblematical—to the body or those that would interpret such.
These, then—or this, then—the sixth sense, as it may be termed for consideration here, partakes of the accompanying entity that is ever on guard before the throne of the Creator itself, and is that that may be trained or submerged, or left to its own initiative until it makes either war with the self in some manner of expression—which must show itself in a material world as in disease, or disease, or temper, or that we call the blues, or the grouches, or any form that may receive either in the waking state or in the sleep state, that has enabled
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