Gabi, a Girl in Pieces. Isabel Quintero

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Gabi, a Girl in Pieces - Isabel Quintero

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understand is that we don’t have to like him. It doesn’t matter if you’re a beauty queen like Cindy (tall, thin, beautiful olive skin and curly brown hair) or if you’re me (short, plump, long straight hair, and super light-skinned), if we don’t like you, well, we don’t like you.

      I don’t know how Cindy could’ve been so stupid as to have sex with him. Anyone but German would have (probably) been better.

      The rest of the day I spent arguing with Beto about how loud his music was and that—although I appreciated his love of the Notorious B.I.G.—Rosemary, the little old lady next door (who I love to visit), did not. It didn’t matter though, because all I got was a lot of door slamming, volume raising, and “You’re not my mom.” He’s right. I’m just his older sister—but only by two years.

       August 1

      Saturday. SATs. I woke up late this morning. I had set my alarm for 7:00 a.m., but didn’t get up until 7:27. I didn’t have time for the bacon and eggs my mom had made, only enough time to kill my dragon-breath with some toothpaste and change into the freshly worn clothes from yesterday. Even then, I barely made it to school in time for the test. Thank God, I can drive now. Otherwise I would have been screwed.

      I waited for Cindy after the test and we drove to the pharmacy to face the moment of truth. On the way there, we went through all the possible scenarios. What if she is pregnant? I suggested she tell her mom that an angel had come to her in a dream and told her not to be scared but that she was carrying the son of God. If her mother was as Catholic as she says she is, then she has to believe her. Cindy didn’t think it was that funny, but I laughed my ass off!

      We walked into the pharmacy. Luckily no one was there. No one except that nosy bitch Georgina. Ugh. And I knew she would have something stupid to say. We got what we needed and went to pay. As luck would have it, she was the only one with a register open. Georgina just smirked at us and said, “Well, Gabi, I know this isn’t for you. No one would be fucking your fat ass. So, I guess, the winner is…Cindy! Does German know yet?” (She said this in the most annoying voice possible which—for Georgina—is pretty damn amazing because she already has the most annoying voice possible.)

      I don’t know what made me say it but I grew some balls at that moment and said, “Your mom would be fucking my fat ass. So shut your trap and do your job, Kmart.”

      Which, now that I think about it, was an absurd comeback. Why would her mom be fucking my fat ass? Just like me to be saying something dumb like that. Georgina just kept making that stupid face as we walked out of the store.

      We went to my house and did the deed.

      The stripes turned pink.

      We hugged, threw ourselves on my Hello Kitty bedspread, and cried.

       August 5

      I was sitting at the back of the bus today, watching the old retarded couple making out (like usual), thinking about Cindy, when Georgina got on the bus. As soon as I saw her stupid clown face, I really wished I had begged my mom for at least another hour to let me borrow the car so I could visit Sebastian. I tried to act like I didn’t see her and pretended to text but, of course, she sat next to me.

      “Hey, fat ass.”

      “Hola, Little Payasa.” She really hates it when I call her that. So I do it as often as I can.

      “Look at those two retards. How nasty. People like that should never ever make out. It’s so freaking gross!”

      I told her she was an idiot and not to say things like that because that was mean, and how does two mentally challenged people loving each other affect her, but talking Georgina out of being an idiot is like making carnitas out of chicken—unnatural. Luckily my stop came by quick, and I was able to leave her behind just as she was beginning to ask about Cindy.

      “So how is your prego…”

      I made an unkind gesture with my middle finger and stood up.

      When I got off the bus, Sebastian was already waiting. He had been gone for a few days with his family on a vacation to Mexico, Mazatlan or somewhere like that near the beach, so he was ultra tan. Right away I knew he was upset.

      “Oh my God! I just talked to Cindy!”

      “Did she tell you?”


      “Can you believe that shit?” He shook his head and I said, “Well, she’s gone and done it now, and it sucks big hairy ass. But—she wants to keep it. I was there the day she told her mom. For moral support, you know, but it went bad. Really bad. Her mom almost beat the shit out of her. Slapped her hard across the face and asked me to leave. I didn’t know what to do, I didn’t want to leave her, but her mom went crazy and was yelling at me to go home, and I was afraid that she’d hit me too, so I booked it and left.”

      We kept going on like that the whole two blocks to his house. When we got there, we locked ourselves in his room. We talked about Cindy forever, and then I finally asked him about his trip. He told me about all the cute boys he saw. His dad let him drink beer with him because apparently in Mexico there is no legal drinking age. Even embryos enjoy a beer with their tacos, he said. I wonder what that would look like? Hmmm. We kept on talking about Mexico and about his grandma who is hilarious and an awesome cook. Sebastian told me about how close he felt to his dad now and that he thought that he would tell him about being gay and that he was sure he would understand. I’m not too sure about that. His dad may be cool with him because they threw back a few beers, but his dad hates gays. I know. I’ve heard him say it. His exact words were, “I hate pinches jotos.” I didn’t tell Sebastian though, because I thought it would hurt his feelings. Even if I told him, he would say something like, “It’s different because it’s me. I’m his son.” Yeah, I don’t think that would be the case. We talked some more about school and how excited (and nervous) we are that this is our last year and our plans for the future and blah blah blah. It was getting late so I had to leave. He walked me to the bus and waited with me. We heard a car screech to a stop and turned to see what had happened. There was a homeless looking guy on his bike weaving across the street towards us. It was my dad. Luckily the bus showed up before he saw me.

       August 7

      Sebastian told his parents. He is sleeping on our couch until he finds a permanent home.

       August 10

      Sebastian hasn’t really said anything since his parents dropped him off. They didn’t even come in, just dropped him off and threw his stuff on the sidewalk. Cindy came over that night, we watched Pride and Prejudice, and my mom ordered us some pizza. She wasn’t too happy that Cindy came over though, but she let her stay because she knew that Sebastian needed his friends. Earlier today she had gone on this whole spiel about Cindy’s pobrecita madre and the pain that she was going through because of her bad, bad daughter. It was really long. It was something like—

      “You can’t hang out with her anymore. She is a bad influence.

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