To Defy a Duke. A. Mervyn Smith
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That made sense. Colton nodded. “You know many of the investors in the shipping arena. Are you friendly with any involved with the Tiger’s Eye?”
“No, and although many of the investors in the Tiger’s Eye are the upper echelon of society, I do not count them among my friends. Associates, colleagues, even peers, but definitely not friends.” The clock in the hall chimed the hour. Nathan made a rolling motion with his hand. “Quickly, before they arrive.”
Colton took a deep breath and plunged ahead. “Who is the captain of the Tiger’s Eye?”
Nathan cocked his head and considered his answer carefully. “I honestly do not know. That same question has driven me to distraction over the years. But I will say this and, if it repeated, I will deny ever having made such a statement.” He paused, thinking of a tactful way to phrase his answer. “I believe the captain is well known to society. I believe he is an astute businessman. I believe,” he looked directly into Colton’s eyes, “he is a peer of the realm. If he, himself, is not, he is working directly under one of us.”
Just then there was a light knock at the door. Both men stood. Nathan smiled and said, “Prepare to meet your match…I mean your future wife.” He chuckled and called, “Enter!”
Chapter Five
Colton had greeted the elderly woman amiably and watched as she turned back toward the door. Good manners prevented her from placing her hands on her hips or raising her voice when she realized her charge was not right behind her. She turned, a serene smile on her face. “Please, be patient and forgive my granddaughter for her tardiness, Your Grace. She is a bit, er, shy.”
Nathan coughed and received a glare from his mother for his efforts.
Stepping to the door, she reached around and drew a young woman inside.
Colton froze. In front of him stood a heavenly vision. Her pale pink dress of silk complemented the soft rose of her cheeks and the luscious red of her lips, lips he so badly wanted to taste. The neckline showed a hint of a quite impressive cleavage, the cut showcasing a slim waist. The length of her skirt indicated long legs, her feet encased in small, pink, matching slippers.
Realizing he had been ogling her like a schoolboy, his eyes shot back up to her face. But that was a mistake. He saw humor in her deep blue eyes, her honey blond curls brushing her slender neck.
He was in deep trouble. Bloody hell.
She stepped before him and executed a curtsy worthy of royalty. Taking her hand as she rose, he realized the dowager was speaking.
“…granddaughter, Miss Alice Marie Whiteshead.”
“Your servant, Miss Whiteshead.” Colton grinned and bowed with flourish. “I trust you are ready for an outing?”
Alice lowered her eyes, trying to appear meek. “Yes, Your Grace. If it your wish, Your Grace.”
“Good, good. I hope you can handle a team because I am exhausted!” he said, still grinning.
Alice’s eyes lifted and flashed at him. She quickly recovered and lowered her eyes. “As you wish, Your Grace.”
He offered his elbow. “Shall we?” Colton could tell his joviality was beginning to wear on her. Good.
As she took his arm, her grandmother approached with bonnet in hand. “Just a moment, child. Let me put this on and I shall be ready.”
Flummoxed, Alice asked, “You are joining us, Grandmama?”
“But, of course, dear! You must be properly chaperoned.” She tsked. “No need to give the ton fodder for gossip.” She adjusted her bonnet and turned to the couple. “There. Now, let us be off!” She proceeded to usher them out.
Alice sat in stony silence, inwardly fuming. She kept her eyes downcast, appearing docile until she could form a new plan.
She had thought to appeal to his sense of compassion by appearing as cowering and intimidated, a fearful little mouse. But her grandmother had thwarted that by grabbing her before she could take off.
She had tried to look vapid, but upon seeing the duke eyeing her like she was a perfectly prepared steak and him a starving waif had almost made her laugh. She could compose her features, but her eyes had given her away. Blasted man!
She attempted to be biddable and meek, hoping he felt his duchess would require a more assertive personality. But he had managed to goad her into revealing her passionate nature, thereby terminating that avenue.
She was running out of ideas to discourage him. And he seemed to be enjoying her attempts.
Bloody hell.
Time to dig deep into her arsenal. A shrew was in order. Her head came up and she glared at him. “I require the name of your paramour. I will not be placed in an awkward position in polite society should we encounter one another. I am entitled to know who she is as I am the one paying for her crime.”
“Alice!” Her grandmother was appalled at her preposterous behavior. Alice almost smiled until she felt the sharp sting of her grandmother’s hand on her shoulder.
The duke chuckled. He was laughing at her! “There is no cause for concern in that regard. I can guarantee you that you will never encounter any of my prior paramours in polite society.”
Oh! This…this…man! Fine! She had more from which that came. “I will require a two-hundred-pound allowance monthly to keep up my wardrobe and appearances. I cannot accept a farthing less.” She nodded her head, certain that would change his position.
“Alice Marie!” This time Alice leaned forward, avoiding the imminent strike.
The duke frowned. Good. She was finally getting to him. “You can manage on such a small amount? My estimation exceeded five hundred pounds, and I was willing to go as high as a thousand.” He slapped her thigh and smiled. “You are frugal! I like that!”
She was speechless! How dare he! And if she did not know better, she was sure her grandmother was laughing in the seat behind her!
She crossed her arms and narrowed her eyes. She was being forced to use the largest weapon available to her. “And I will have rooms in a separate wing of your home. There will be absolutely no intimacy between us! Not a touch, not a hug, and definitely no kiss, not even at our wedding!” There! Take that, you cur!
Her grandmother gasped. “Alice Marie Whiteshead!” Grandmama had come out of her seat and was reaching with both hands!
The Duke threw his arm around her shoulder to block her grandmother. He laughed and drew her closer to his side. “My little vixen, I can promise you there will be lots of touching, hugging, kissing, and so much more!” He wiggled his brows at her.
This man was insufferable! And her grandmother! She was laying in the seat behind them, laughing so hard she was holding her sides!