Chocolate and Cuckoo Clocks. Alan Coren
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I had decided to live in Harlem partly because of its proximity to Columbia University, partly to my eviction from my Greenwich Village broomcupboard, an eviction supposed to be temporary, but as the period stated was to allow the Exterminator to rid my room of cockroaches, I decided to forego the option. (I waited to see The Exterminator. I imagined a long cadaverous Kafka-esque terror with a stovepipe hat and a little black bag and an Instrument. He turned out to be two squat toughs from Brooklyn in green overalls, who were, without question, Steiger and Brando down on their luck.)
Anyway, I was tired of the Village; as in Hampstead, or Chelsea, rents rise relative to the immigration of wealthy non-artists hunting for charm, or social cachet, or whatever it is. But here there is no Belsize Park to retire to. I was getting pushed nearer and nearer the Bowery, and since I can do without this sort of pressure to follow my natural predisposition, I determined to get out for good. Harlem is cheap.
After I left the papershop, I tried five of the addresses. I was met with the same responses at each. Surprise (one woman laughed through the gap in the door, and vanished, and wouldn’t come back; but I could hear her laughing in the hall); suspicion (‘Look, fellah, thanks anyway, but we got so much goddam detergent in this house, we use it to stuff pillows!’); and finally, refusal. The room, sorry, was taken. Just this minute.
The sixth address was a tall brownstone, hung with black balcony-rails and fire-escapes, an external skeleton, like a scorpion’s. The door was opened by a tall, slim, grey-haired, well-dressed negro. In his lapel was a N.A.A.C.P. button. He smiled, and it was the first straight smile I’d had all morning.
‘I’ve come about the room,’ I said.
‘Oh!’ He looked past my shoulder into the street. ‘Afraid it’s taken. Guy just left.’
‘Are you sure?’ He looked back at me. ‘Yours is the sixth place I’ve tried, and they were all dated this morning, and they’ve all gone. Odd that, isn’t it?’
‘Kind of.’ He shifted his weight, leaning on the door-jamb. ‘Big demand for rooms, though.’ He looked at me, hard. ‘You English?’
‘That’s right.’
He pushed open the door with his shoulder, and stepped back into the dark hallway.
‘Look, come in for a minute, anyhow. Maybe I can help you.’
I followed him into his living-room. On one wall, a huge photograph of Martin Luther King, and a daguerrotype of John Brown. On a side-table, the latest issues of The Southern Patriot and Ebony. I sat down, and at eye-level in the bookcase were volumes of Baldwin, and Ellison, and titles like ‘The Negro Vanguard’ and ‘The Truth Shall Make Us Free’. The man sat down on the arm of the chair opposite.
‘Look here,’ he said. ‘I lied. I got a room. It’s still free. Only I’m not so sure I can let you have it.’
‘How come?’
He picked up one of the magazines, and fiddled with its pages.
‘Look, don’t get me wrong – you’re a foreigner, otherwise I wouldn’t have to explain. I don’t want you to go thinking I’m – well, prejudiced, or anything like that.’
‘You mean you don’t take whites?’
‘Don’t say “you” like that.’ He frowned, and put down the magazine. ‘It’s not just me. If I had my way, why, sure, I’d take you in. But I got other things to consider.’
‘Such as?’
‘Well, like I said, it’s not me. It’s the neighbours.’ He looked at me, eyebrows raised in appeal. ‘How’re they going to feel about it? A man doesn’t live alone, y’know. And this isn’t just any old neighbourhood. No offence meant – but this is a pretty good-class street.’
‘I know,’ I said. ‘That’s why I like it.’
He shook his head.
‘Man can’t always have everything he likes. Take me – I get on fine with you people. I was in the war with white boys, fought right alongside ’em; you couldn’t wish for better soldiers. I work with white people right now. They pull their weight same as the rest of us. I got white acquaintances – why, I count them among my closest friends. They come here all the time, we sit around, chew a lot of fat; you know the sort of thing.’
‘Only you wouldn’t have one living in your house?’
He sighed.
‘I’m gonna level with you. Suppose you were to come and live here. You got white friends, right?’
I nodded.
‘Okay. Pretty soon, they’re gonna start visiting here regular. Maybe some of ’em’ll get to like the area; why not? What then? Maybe they’ll take it into their heads to move in. What the other people in the street gonna do? I’ll tell you. They kinda respect me, know what I mean? I do a lot of work for them, address meetings, all that stuff. So they see I got a white boy living here. They’ll reckon it’s okay. So maybe they’ll let your buddies move in. Pretty soon, we’re gonna have us a – you’ll excuse me – a white neighbourhood. I mean, let’s face it, that’s the way you folks are, am I right? Soon as a couple of you take hold, next thing you know there’s a whole colony.’
‘Well, would – I mean, is that so terrible, after all?’
He looked at me as if I were a child who’d misspelled ‘cat’.
‘Don’t stop there, though, does it? I’ve lived in white areas, see? Like Greenwich Village. Now, I don’t like those people who say that white men are all no-good drunks and loafers – but I’ve seen ’em on paynights down there, blind drunk, shouting and singing, running after women. I don’t say there aren’t good and bad, nor that coloured people don’t behave that way sometimes. But there’s no point, far as I can see, in having a lot of people like that coming in and raising hell.’ He leaned forward. ‘Lot of white men find coloured girls pretty attractive, huh?’
Caught either way. All right.
‘Some. Like any other girls, I suppose.’
‘That’s just it! They’re not. See what I mean? Pretty soon they’re gonna start walking out together. Maybe even get married.’
‘Well, even if things go that far, would that be so bad?’
He pursed his lips.
‘Look, I’m liberal, like I say. I know all the reasons, too, and