Winston's Amazing World. Dawn Davis

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Winston's Amazing World - Dawn Davis

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tuck him even though he thought he was too grown up for that, it still felt good.

      The dance of the moonlit dust and tree shadows appeared in his room once again as a concert of night sounds played outside his window. “Bong! Bong!” chimed the clock at three a.m. and then nothing but immobility and silence filled Winston’s room and all of Luminatia. Yet again time stopped no motion, no sound, just a heavy scent of stillness.

      The twinkling lights returned filling the sky as they had the night before. Once more they entered Winston’s room and transported him back to the mountain where Simon waited for his son.

      Simon nudged his sleeping son. As he awoke his father asked, “How did it go yesterday?”

      “Father, it was weird. I was so tired, I’m never that tired during the day. What’s happening to me?” Winston asked with some concern.

      “A part of your subconscious mind is being awakened during the process of the Dream of Guardians which is causing your energy to expand and that’s making you feel tired. It’s a good thing, Winston and nothing to be afraid of. It’s just going to take a little time for you to adjust to what’s happening. The fatigue lasts only a few days,” Simon reassured his son. “It’s actually a positive sign, it means you’re ready for the experience. The same thing happened to me when I was ready for my journey.”

      “A journey?” he quizzed his father trying to imagine the possibilities that could enfold in this unexpected real-life adventure. He was about to find out that nothing in his wildest imagination could have prepared him for how his life was about to change.

      “Yes, a journey of the best kind! Along the way you’re going to meet some unusual and incredible beings.” Simon smiled knowing his son could not begin to comprehend what was about to occur nor appreciate all he was about to learn. He was eighteen years old when his father, Yuval had this very same conversation with him right here on this mountain. It took weeks until he was able to process all parts of the picture that was unfolding before him. Why had he been chosen instead of one of his two older brothers? Eventually he realized it had nothing to do with the order you were born into a family or your age. Only the Ancient One, King Shadel knew whom and at what age guardian was ready to enter the Order of the Light.

      Still having a difficult time grasping the scope of what his father was telling him, Winston began to feel excited. “Boy, was this an adventure and to think I was just worried about having a dull life,” he chuckled to himself, “my imaginary adventures could never measure up to this.”

      “Winston, I’d like you to meet someone,” Simon said as his son looked around confused because no one was there. One of the spheres of twinkling lights came close to where Simon sat with his son. It began spinning, rotating faster and faster until it lost its spherical shape, hovering as only a blur. Sparks of light burst from the sphere, resembling exploding fireworks in the sky. Continuing to spin the sphere grew in size, until it was a little taller than Winston’s own height. As it slowed, the young boy was able make out the outline of a woman, surrounded by a glowing translucent light. A beautiful woman with long blonde hair, the most exquisite lavender eyes and wearing the same purple robe as his father, appeared next to Simon. “Son, I’d like you to meet Myadora.”

      “Hello Winston,” she said warmly as she walked over and sat down next to him.

      “Uh hmm!” was all he managed to eke out sheepishly, astounded by the extraordinary sight he had just witnessed. “I’ve never seen anyone change from a little twinkling light into a kind of person,” he said gulping while trying unsuccessfully, to appear nonchalant about Myadora’s magical appearance. “I, I’ve seen see my teacher, Staishya when she flies to class as a butterfly and then turns into a woman. She’s a Butterflian Shapeshifter you know.” Winston stuttered, “But I’ve never seen...” he trailed off feeling awkward.

      She smiled at him, “Your father told you about the original ten chosen to serve the King. I’m one of those ten. Winston, I’m your ancestor.”

      “I don’t understand,” he hesitated, “how could that be, you look so young? Don’t you need to be very old to be an ancestor? We’re talking centuries, right?” he began rambling in total confusion. “I mean you should be in heaven, shouldn’t you?”

      “I come from a place much like what you call heaven,” she said smiling at the bewildered young boy seated next to her, “it’s called the Kingdom of Lights.”

      “Yes, Father told me,” Winston offered.

      “There are those of us in the Kingdom of Lights that possess the ability to move across time and space for the purpose of assisting other guardians. We have special powers. You’ll learn more about that later, but first I’m going to tell you a story. It’s something that happened a long time ago and why the Order of the Light was created. Would you like to hear the story now, Winston?” she asked her young descendent.

      “Yes, very much so,” he declared with great enthusiasm.


      “More than many thousands of centuries ago the time had come for a cosmos to be created. The benevolent ever-present energy force became one with Shadel who was destined to be the entity to perform that task and reign as its omnipotent King. He was loving and possessed the purity it would take to rule,” Myadora began to weave her story.

      “Shadel took Suri for his queen, they were very much in love. Desiring peace and happiness for their kingdom, together they ruled with love, respect, generosity and kindness. In turn they were beloved by all their subjects.”

      As she spoke, Winston was able view the story as her very words formed a rich tapestry of images right before his eyes. “Was this magic? How’s this possible?” he marveled in confusion at what he was witnessing. “I feel like I’m there while it’s happening, but I’m still here.”

      There in front of him was a stunning green-eyed slender woman carrying two baskets filled with beautifully colored roses. The vision appeared so genuine he thought he could reach out and touch her, but hesitated. If he dared would her image wash away like a ripple in a pool of water. The woman’s waist length black hair tied back with a blue ribbon brushed against her flowing blue dress as she walked out of the rose garden towards the awaiting carriage drawn by four white horses. “I can smell the roses in the garden,” Winston exclaimed finding it difficult to believe his senses, “I can feel the heat of the sun but its nighttime here.”

      “Who is she? Can she see us too?” he asked Myadora nattering in amazement and without giving her a chance to answer. “It all looks so real,” he persisted.

      Myadora smiled, amused by Winston’s bewilderment over the scene. “They’re shades of the past. They cannot see nor hear you and you cannot touch them.” She took Winston’s hand and guided it towards one of the phantom rose bushes. Their hands passed through it without causing any disturbance.

      “Winston, some guardians like myself possess the ability to create visions where one can see, hear, smell and experience the environment, sense emotions and thoughts but they have no bearing in this world. They are simply reflections of what has been,” she replied to the wide-eyed boy. “That woman is Queen Suri. She is where we shall begin our experience today.”

      “Staishya told us about the Queen in ancient history class,” he spouted as he continued to watch the vision, which seemed to disappear whenever Myadora stopped telling the story.

      When Queen Suri spoke, it surprised Winston. It was not at all how he imagined a queen’s

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