The New Testament In Scots. William L. Lorimer
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‘I will ding the herd,
an the hirsel will be sparpelt abreid.’
But efter I hae risen frae the deid, I will ging on afore ye tae Galilee.”
Peter said til him, “Lat ithers be fauss an faithless, Peter will ey haud leal an true!”
Jesus answert, “Atweill, I tell ye, nae later nor this day’s nicht, or the cock craws twice, ye will disavou me thrice.”
But Peter threapit the mair, “Tho I buid díe wi ye, I winna dis avou ye nane, at winna I!” An siclike said the haill o them.
Syne they cam til a dail caa’d Gethsemanè, an he said til his disciples, “Sit ye here, till I ging an pray.”
Sae they bade there, but he gaed on wi Peter an Jeames an John. An nou an unco dridder cam owre him, an he said til them, “My saul is likin tae díe for wae; bide ye here an haud ye wauken.”
Syne he gaed forrit a bittock an cuist himsel on the grund an prayed at, gin it coud be, the hour o dree micht ging by him. “Abba, Faither,” he prayed, “nocht is abuin thy pouer, 65hain me this caup: yit no as my will, but as thy will, is.”
Syne he cam back an faund them asleep, an he said til Peter, “Asleep, Símon, asleep? Docht-ye-na bide waukin ae hour? Bide ye aa waukin, an haud at the prayin, at ye haena tae dree nae sair seyal. Tho the spírit be 66freck, the flesh is 67feckless.”
Again he gaed awà an prayed the same prayer as afore. Syne he cam back aince mair an faund them asleep, for their een wis hivvie wi tire; an they kentna what answer tae gíe him.
Yit a third time he cam back, an nou he said til them, “Ey sleepin? Ey takkin your rest? Lang eneuch hae ye sleepit. The hour is comed: see, the Son o Man is eenou tae be betrayed intil the haunds o sinners! Rise ye up, an lat us gae meet them: ay, here he comes, my betrayer.”
The wurds wisna aff his tung afore Judas – ane o the Twal! – cam up, an wi him a thrang o fowk airmed wi whingers an rungs, at hed been sent bi the Heid-Príests, Doctors o the Law, an Elders. The traitor hed gree’d a taiken wi them: “Him at I kiss is the man ye’r seekin,” he hed sayen: “grip him, an tak him awà under siccar gaird.” Sae, nou he wis at the bit, he gaed strecht up til him an caa’d him “Maister” an kissed him; an than the ithers laid haunds on him an huid him siccar.
Ane o the staunders-by drew his whinger an lent the Heid-Príest’s servan a straik at sneddit aff his lug. Jesus than tuik speech in haund: “Am I some reiver,” qo he, “at ye needs come out wi whingers an rungs for tae fang me? Day an dailie I wis in amang ye teachin i the Temple, an ye laidna a haund on me. But Scriptur buid be fulfilled, I trew.”
Syne the haill o his disciples forhoued him an scoured awà. The’ war ae callan, tho, at ey huid efter Jesus. He wis cled in nocht but a linnen hap, an they claucht hauds o him. But he wan lowse o their grips, an awà he ran scuddie-bare, laein his hap i their haunds.
SYNE THEY CAIRRIET Jesus awà til the pailace o the Heid-Príest, whaur the haill o the Heid-Príests an Doctors o the Law an Elders convened. Peter fallowt him a lang gate ahent richt intil the pailace yaird, whaur he sat doun amang the servitors an beikit himsel at the ingle.
I the meantime the Heid-Príests an the haill Council wis seekin evidence on whilk they coud pit Jesus tae deith, but coudna finnd onie; for, tho monie-ane buir witness again him, their witness wis fauss, an their líes didna een compluther. Syne the’ war some stuid up an buir fauss witness again him, sayin at hou they themsels hed hard him say, “I will ding doun this Temple at haund o man biggit, an in three days’ time I will raise up anither temple, biggit bi nae man’s haund.” But no een thir witnesses’ deposítions compluthert.
Syne the Heid-Príest rase frae his sait an, comin forrit intil the bodie o the court, speired at Jesus, “Answer ye nocht? What mak ye o this witness again ye?” But the ne’er a wurd spak he.
The Heid-Príest than pit anither queystin til him: “Ar ye the Christ,” said he, “the Son o the Blissit Ane?”
“I am,” qo Jesus, “an, mairfortaiken, ye will see the Son o Man
sittin on the richt haund o God Almichtie
an comin amang the clouds o the lift.”
Wi that the Heid-Príest rave his goun an said, “What needs we seek mair witness? Ye hae hard his blasphemie yoursels: what, than, is your juidgement?”
Ane an aa they juidged him giltie o a capital crime. Syne some fell tae spittin on him, an they blinfauldit him an lent him ey the tither gowff, cryin at ilka flewit: “Spae awà nou, Prophet!” An the servitors, tae, lent him monie a clink athort the haffits.
AA THIS WHILE, Peter wis doun ablò i the yaird. As he wis sittin there beikin himsel at the fire, ane o the Heid-Príest’s servan-queans cam in an, seein him, tuik a guid luik o him an said, “Ye war wi the man frae Nazareth, this Jesus, tae, I’m thinkin.”
But he wadna own wi it: “I kenna buff nor sty what ye’r speakin o,” said he; an wi that he slippit out intil the 68fore-close.
The servan-lass saw him there an said tae the staunders-by, “This chíel’s ane o them”: but aince mair he denied it.
Belyve the staunders-by cam back til it an said tae Peter: “Deed, but ye ar sae ane o them; ye’r frae Galilee!”
At that he set tae the bannin an swuir at he kentna “this man,” says he, “at ye’r speakin o.” Nae shuner wis the wurds 69out o his mou nor the cock crew the saicond time. Than Peter caa’d tae mind hou Jesus hed sayen til him, “Afore the cock craw twice, ye will disavou me thrice.” An he banged out9 an fell agreitin.
15 STRECHT AWA AT the first styme o daylicht the haill Council—Heid-Príests, Elders, an Doctors o the Law—tuik counsel thegither, efter whilk they caused binnd Jesus an cairriet him awà an haundit him owre tae Pílate.
“Prísoner at the bar, ar ye the King o Jews?” Pílate speired at him; an Jesus answert, “Ye hae said it.”
Syne the Heid-Príests cam forrit wi monie chairges again him, an Pílate speired at him aince mair, “Hae ye nocht avà tae say? Luik what monie chairges they hae again ye!” But Jesus wadna answer mae, sae at Pílate ferliet.
Ilka Passowre Pílate wis in yuiss tae set free onie ae prísoner at the fowk socht o him. Nou, at this time the man caa’d BarAbbas wis lyin in waird alang wi the reibels at hed committit murther i the Risin. Sae the croud gaed up tae Pílate an begoud tae seek o him what he wis in yuiss tae dae for them, an Pílate speired at them, “Is it your will I suid líberate the Kíng o Jews for ye?” Weill kent he at it wis for ill-will the Heid-Príests hed brocht Jesus up afore him. But the Heid-Príests eggit up the croud tae seek him tae lowse BarAbbas raither.
“Syne what will I dae,” answert Pílate again, “wi him ye caa Kíng o Jews?”
“Tae the cross wi him!” raired they again.
“But what ill hes he dune?” speired Pílate.