Magnetic Christianity: Using Your God-Given Gifts to Build the Kingdom. Gus J.D. Lloyd

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Magnetic Christianity: Using Your God-Given Gifts to Build the Kingdom - Gus J.D. Lloyd

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God wants for you? I say certainly not!

      Back to our answers to the question. Over the course of my life I’ve had a number of responses. Lately I’ve been stuck on two: “Fantastic!” and “Better than I deserve!” But I’ve heard a lot of other answers I think are very cool, too. Two of them were favorites of my dad, who passed away in October of 2008. If ever there was a guy with a magnetic personality, it was Phil Lloyd! Pop’s favorite answers?

      “If I were any better I’d have to be twins!” On days when he was feeling particularly frisky, he would up it to triplets. His other favorite was “Finer than frog hair!”

      I have a dear friend, Barney, whose answer is always, “I’m blessed!”

      Another friend, Tom Hoopes, always said, “Tremendous!” I liked that one so much I wrote a song as an intro for the segment he used to have on my radio show. I started calling him “The Tremendous One.”

      My friend Lino Rulli, the Catholic Guy, likes to respond, “Mint!”

      Unfortunately, there are some who feel that the question is an open invitation to spill about all of the ills that have befallen them in their lives. These poor souls just ooze negativity. While they certainly need our prayers, they’re probably someone you’re going to avoid in the future. If nothing else, you’ll come up with a different opening line when you see them, right? I mean, who wants to be bombarded with negativity? No one! And as Christians, we have nothing to be negative about. Quite the contrary. We need to be a people of rejoicing! So how can you reflect that in answering the world’s most common question? Think of how your answer to that may just help to brighten up someone’s day. Let’s get rid of “I’m fine,” and replace it with something that reflects more clearly God’s goodness in our lives.

      Shout joyfully to the LORD, all you lands;

      worship the LORD with cries of gladness;

      come before him with joyful song.

      Know that the LORD is God,

      our maker to whom we belong,

      whose people we are, God’s well-tended flock.

      Enter the temple gates with praise,

      its courts with thanksgiving.

      Give thanks to God, bless his name,

      good indeed is the LORD,

      Whose love endures forever,

      whose faithfulness lasts through every age.

      Psalm 100

      Maybe you’ve heard this old expression:

      “If you’re happy, let your face know.”

      As children of God, we have the most awesome, unbelievable treasure of all time! Eternal life through Jesus Christ! How can we not be positive about life? God has blessed you with the gift of life, and the gift of faith. Yet so many Christians are walking through life like expressionless zombies. While I am a big fan of zombie flicks (guilty pleasure), I daresay that I would not be attracted to a zombie should one ever cross my path. In fact, I’m pretty sure that I would run in the opposite direction as fast as my legs would carry me. So it is with people who meet up with Christian zombies. With that in mind, I offer you this piece of advice:


      Learn to smile more. Practice that wry smile that will make other people wonder what you’re thinking or what you’re up to. That’s the one that is more likely to entice someone to ask you what you’re smiling about. Then…Bingo! An opportunity to share your story. See? More Smiles = More Jesus.

      What then shall we say to this? If God is for us, who can be against us?

      Romans 8:31

      Saint Paul asks the question: If God is for us, who can be against us? It may seem like a rhetorical question, but I believe it has an answer. Do you know what the answer is? WHO CARES?? That’s the answer to the question. If God is for us, it doesn’t matter who is against us. And I can tell you most assuredly, God is for you. God only wants what is best for you at all times. Please don’t make the mistake so many make and think that God wants to fulfill your every desire. That’s not how God works. Why? Because God knows not all of our desires are good or holy or within His will. Because of our fallen nature, many of our desires would do nothing more than lead us away from God. What kind of loving parent would do things intentionally that they knew would push their children away? Things they knew would be harmful to their children? Our God would never do that! Because God is a loving Father, and a loving Father always wants what is best for his children.

      A Plan for Your Life

      Have you ever felt like the whole world is against you? I think we all feel that way at one time or another. I have struggled with depression. It’s a nasty, joy-sucking malady. During a few of my nastier bouts, I truly felt alone, like the whole world was against me. But that was only in my own mind. Nothing could have been further from the truth. My wife, my family, my friends were all pulling for me. Most of them didn’t even know I was suffering. Many who suffer from depression are very good at hiding it. At least, they think they are. I guess the reason for me telling you this is to let you know that even when you think the whole world is against you, you’re wrong. God has put people in your life who love you and care about you deeply. Remember, God is always for you.

      My friend, you have been put here for a purpose. In fact, you are holding this book in your hand for a purpose. God has a plan for your life, and that plan is not a small plan. God wants great things for you! In saying this, I feel it necessary to offer some perspective. The world’s definition of “great” may differ wildly with God’s definition of “great.” Too often, we think in terms of the world’s definition. We think that “great” means getting noticed - noticed by the world, of course. But the truly great things we will accomplish on this earth are things that are noticed by God, things the world may never see.

      Let me give a quick example: Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta. Mother Teresa was known the world over. We all know about how she inspired millions of people and built hospitals and orphanages and founded an order of nuns who have helped countless souls. But if you asked Mother Teresa about the great things she had done, I’m certain that none of those things would have crossed her lips. She would probably tell you the greatest things she did were things like holding the hand of a person dying of malnutrition in the street. Or comforting a victim of AIDS. Or reminding someone of how much God loves them. Things that were never noticed by folks with cameras and microphones.

      Yes, God has great things in store for you. Let’s always remember to use God’s definition of greatness. Stop comparing yourself to others. Because just like you, the plan that God has for your life is unique. Nobody else’s plan is like yours, and your plan is like nobody else’s.

      For I know well the plans I have in mind for you, says the LORD,

      plans for your welfare, not for woe! plans to give you a future full of hope.

      Jeremiah 29:11


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