Peace Be Still.. David Jr. McDermott

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Peace Be Still. - David Jr. McDermott

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to be so filled with Jesus’ grace to fulfil your will. May we count our blessings when we receive that grace in our soul. Amen.


      Lord God, Heavenly Father, your son, our Saviour Lord Jesus Christ gave the supreme example of having the balance of the fruit of the Spirit. In his relationship with you he submitted his will entirely to you in saying, “Thy will be done.” He overcame the temptations of the devil remaining steadfast in your will to suffer and die for us. In his relationship with you he had your love, joy and peace. With your people he had only patience, kindness and goodness. Throughout his mission on earth he had faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. His was the perfectly balanced divine nature.

      Lord, you give the seed of the gift of the Holy Spirit through faith, but the fruit of the Holy Spirit grows within us over time from that seed. Lord Jesus, you are the vine that produces the fruit in us your branches. Lord God, you prune the vine for the growth of greater fruit in us. May I not become like the dead fig tree that did not bear any fruit and be cast down.

      Lord Jesus, you said, “by their fruits you shall know them.” Grow in me in all aspects of the Spirit so that I may aspire to the balance of your divine nature. Guide me where my character does not manifest any of the fruit of the Holy Spirit.

      Lead through your grace and strength not to be overcome by temptations of self will but to submit to God. Give me your patience to defeat those temptations of the flesh. May my body and mind not engulf the Spirit but be my servant not my master, so that the Spirit may manifest itself in all my thoughts, words and deeds. I trust you Lord Jesus to impart the grace of the Holy Spirit through the power of God’s love.

      May I walk forever in that balance in my temporal life, being obedient to God and temperate in all things. In that balance may I seek first the Kingdom of God through self denial, self sacrifice and self control.

      In the balance of that faithfulness I pray that you will give to my soul the harvest of eternal life in your heavenly home. Amen.

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