Quick Flips and Fast Cash: A Moron's Guide To Flipping Houses, Bank-Owned Property and Everything Real Estate Investing. Andrew Boone's Massaro
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Quick Flips and Fast Cash: A Moron's Guide To Flipping Houses, Bank-Owned Property and Everything Real Estate Investing
Andrew Massaro
Copyright 2012 Andrew Massaro,
All rights reserved.
Published in eBook format by eBookIt.com
ISBN-13: 978-1-4566-0844-6
No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review.
A Little Something Special For You Before We Begin
I know it’s a little unusual to start a book with the BONUSES, but hey…why not? I have two great ones for you…
You like FREE STUFF, right?
How about FREE STUFF that can make you money? Or, perhaps… that can save you money?
Go to www.AndrewMassaro.com and put in your email address to get your special FREE bonus!
When you click the link above, you’ll be able to get my exclusive report on the 7 Deadly Mistakes That Will Kill Your Wholesaling Business… FREE! It’s my early bonus to you just for investing in yourself… and frankly, its information I wish I had before I started my quick flip biz.
An invitation…just for you.
That’s my 2nd BONUS to you for reading this book.
I invite you to go to my website and read about my Wholesale Coaching Program.
Why? Because when you’re done reading this book, you’ll have a ton of information and my personal, direct, hands-on and 1-on-1 Wholesale Real Estate Mentoring Program is the best and most effective way of implementing it!
Just go to www.WholesaleCoaching.com to get the details.
Okay, okay…now that all the bonuses have been given, it’s time to get started!
If you know me, and even if you only receive my weekly ezine, The Flip Factor, you know that I am an avid reader. Honestly, I’ve read probably close to five hundred books in my life. I’ve read books on God, leadership, motivation, success, and, oh yeah, real estate.
I have to tell you, Quick Flips and Fast Cash is as comprehensive a book as I’ve ever seen for a new wholesaler. What you are about to read is exactly what Andrew teaches his students - every word, every strategy, every link. His explanations are excellent. His candor is appreciated.
If you’re thinking of entering into the world of wholesale real estate, this is a must read. In fact, even if you’ve flipped houses and made money, you’re sure to learn a thing or two by reading this book. I certainly did…
R. Preston Ely
Founder, Real Freedom, Inc.
This book is dedicated to my wonderful family, whose love and support have helped me become the person, and professional, I am today. Also to my close friend and mentor, R. Preston Ely. Without his teachings, guidance and friendship, I would still be languishing in cubicle land, broke and miserable. And to my wife, Jamie, who has supported me throughout this rollercoaster ride. I thank you all.
This is the only real estate book you will EVER need! After reading this book, you will be fully equipped to begin flipping houses and making tons of cash immediately!! This is the ultimate real estate wholesaling resource!!! The Bible of flipping houses!!!!
OK, so none of that is actually true. The truth is that no book, e-book, course, program or DVD can actually prepare you for what it’s like flipping houses. None. Sure, they will teach you some strategies and tactics, but only a skilled coach can take you to where you want to be.
You will, however, walk away with a very good understanding of what it takes to be successful in this business, plus a general overview of flipping houses. Here is what I cover:
•What the term “wholesale real estate” means
•Mental and emotional conditioning for success
•Marketing strategies that will have your phone ringing with motivated sellers
•Qualifying leads (which are keepers and which totally suck) and making offers
•Getting a house under contract to buy
•Marketing that property to investors with cash
•Assigning, or double-closing, the contract for a fee
•And I’ll also throw in a bonus about how I teach my students to add $5,000 - $10,000 extra to their bottom line!
•Ok, so I’ll throw in another bonus… cuz I’m feeling generous. I’ll also tell you how to supplement your wholesaling income by bird dogging other investors’ property and by outsourcing short sale leads
Again, this will be a broad overview of the ins and outs of wholesaling property, plus what I absolutely know for sure about success and failure in this business (and any business, for that matter). This book was written for the complete newbie. At the end of this book, you’ll be urged to continue your climb toward becoming a real estate wholesaler by reading my follow-up, Raining CA$H! It’ll take you the rest of the way and by the end of that book, you’ll be equipped to begin flipping houses for HUGE profits.
Folks, let’s be honest. Investing in real estate is not like riding a bike. There is risk and reward, details and intricacies, negotiations and gamesmanship, strategy and timing, information… and often a lack thereof. Honestly, no book out there can prepare you for everything you are going to see, hear and feel once you’re in the game. Only a personal real estate investment coach can assist you with that. My goal is to educate, inform, enlighten and occasionally amuse you while you ponder potentially life-changing decisions about your future.
My ultimate goal with this book is to empower you to change your life. To do something