Jewel of Persia. Roseanna M. White
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Jen Stephens
Author of The Heart’s Journey Home
“This is the familiar story of Esther but recounted in a fresh, new way. Author Roseanna M. White dishes up quite a love story filled with intrigue and danger, told from a perspective that’s fictional yet entirely believable. . . . If Biblical fiction is your passion, Jewel of Persia is a book you won’t want to miss.”
Michelle Griep
Author of Gallimore
“Jewel of Persia took my breath away! Roseanna White is an amazing storyteller, and as I read this brilliant story, the prose danced off the pages, breathing life into a host of characters. I fell in love with Kasia and Xerxes, and found myself cheering for them, loving them, despite their imperfections. Only a talented author like White could pull that off, and I am humbly impressed with her writing. This author knows the craft. I can’t wait to read more from Roseanna White. She never disappoints.”
Sandi Rog
Author of The Master’s Wall
R o s e a n n a M. W h i t e
This is a work of fiction. All characters and events portrayed in this novel are either fictitious or used fictitiously.
Copyright © 2010, Roseanna M. White
All rights reserved. Reproduction in part or in whole is strictly forbidden without the express written consent of the publisher.
Published for the Internet by
WhiteFire Publishing
13607 Bedford Rd NE
Cumberland, MD 21502
ISBN: 978-0-9765444-8-7
Cover model photo by Christian Agha Photography
Jewelry design by Vaphiadis Jewelery, Athens, Greece (
Cover Design by Tekeme Studios (
To the jewels of my life, David, Xoë, and Rowyn.
And of course, my parents and sister, and their unfailing support.
Also, special thanks to Stephanie, Mary, Carole, Dina, and Sandi.
Invaluable critique partners ~ Precious friends
Characters and Key Places
Abba (AB-buh) – see Kish
Amestris (uh-MESS-triss) – (historical) Queen of Persia, wife of Xerxes; a.k.a Vashti of the Book of Esther
Amytis (AM-i-tiss) – (historical) elder daughter of Xerxes and Amestris
Artabanas (art-uh-BAN-us) – (historical) younger brother of the late King Darius, uncle to Xerxes
Artaxerxes (art-uh-ZIRK-seez) – (historical) youngest son of Xerxes and Amestris; succeeded Xerxes
Artaynte (ar-TAIN-tuh) – (historical) daughter of Masistes
Artemisia (art-i-MEEZ-ee-uh) – (historical) female commander of several ships in Xerxes’ army
Atossa (uh-TOSS-uh) – (historical) wife of the late King Darius, daughter of Cyrus the Great, mother of Xerxes
Bijan (bee-ZHAHN) – (fictional) Persian noble, member of the Immortals, friend of Zechariah
Chinara (chin-AR-uh) – (fictional) Xerxes’ favorite daughter
Choaspes River (choe-AS-peez) – river that winds around Susa, renowned for its sweet waters
Cyrus (SY-rus) – (fictional) one of Xerxes’ sons
Darius (DAR-ee-us) – (historical) grandson of King Darius, eldest son of Xerxes and Amestris
Demaratus (de-MARE-uh-tus) – (historical) exiled king of Sparta, Xerxes’ advisor
Desma (DEZ-muh) – (fictional) Kasia’s most trusted maidservant
Diona (dee-OH-nuh) – (fictional) one of Xerxes’ concubines
Eglah (EGG-lah) – (fictional) one of Kasia’s younger sisters
Esther (ESS-ter) – (historical) cousin and ward of Mordecai
Haman (HAY-muhn) – (historical) trusted official of Xerxes and (fictionally) best friend of Masistes
Hegai (HEG-eye) – (historical) a eunuch, the custodian in charge of the harem
Hystaspes (hih-STASS-peez) – (historical) second son of Xerxes and Amestris
Ima (EE-muh) – see Zillah (I)
Iona (ee-OH-nuh) – (fictional) one of Kasia’s maidservants
Jasmine – (fictional) wife of Xerxes, friend of Kasia, mother of Chinara
Joshua – (fictional) Kasia’s second eldest brother
Kasia (ka-SEE-uh) – (fictional) heroine; daughter of Kish and Zillah, sister of Zechariah, friend of Esther, and concubine to Xerxes
Keturah (keh-TUR-uh) – (fictional) Mordecai’s late wife
Kish – (fictional) father of Kasia (called Abba by his children)
Lalasa (luh-LOSS-uh) – (fictional) one of Xerxes’ concubines
Mardonius (mar-DOH-nee-us) – (historical) cousin of Xerxes, a commander of the army
Masistes (ma-SISS-teez) – (historical) younger full brother of Xerxes, son of Atossa and King Darius
Memucan (meh-MOO-cuhn) – (historical) one of Xerxes’ counselors
Mordecai (MOR-de-KY)– (historical) cousin and guardian of Esther
Otanes (oh-TAY-neez) – (historical) head of the army, father of Amestris
Parsisa (par-SISS-uh) – (historical figure, fictional name) wife of Masistes, mother of Artaynte