Builders of the Tabernacle. Kay Ph.D. Fairchild
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The spirit makes one aware, or gives one a God Consciousness. The body gives one outer world consciousness. The thing that stands between the spirit and the body is the conscious awareness. When the conscious awareness receives the Mind of Christ, the body or flesh will be affected. It is in the conscience or consciousness that a thing is conceived and then manifestation will come.
All of our lives we have learned to live apart from the spirit realm. Our spirit did not vibrate or function at the same level, so as to have a consciousness of God. The life that we projected was based upon the things learned through the body realm. Therefore, the impressions and pictures that we reasoned, felt, and chose, were not only fragmented, and dual; they were divided in their own selves, due to subjection to bondage and corruption; but were also enhanced into further deception by learning to grow based upon the five senses. We could only believe what we heard with our natural ears. This is what the veil represents as the realm of appearance. This is the reason we are admonished by Paul as he writes in I Thessalonians 5:22, to abstain from all appearance of evil. We are not to judge anything by outward appearance. The judgment that was given to the people in Revelation chapter 20 partaking of the superior resurrection was not a judgment based on outward appearance.
When one is initially born again he is made aware, or quickened by the Spirit of God. The Bible calls it being "born from above," when one is generated by Spirit. The interesting thing about the word "generate" is that it means "generated from the first," or generated from the realm you first came from, which was Spirit. For all spirit came out of God and was created In Him in pure spirit form, then lowered into the bondage of corruption, where the awareness and memory of Spirit died into the death of human experience. We then entered a process of resurrection, which is far greater than, simply the raising of a physical body.
When Adam sinned against God his level of perception was altered. Therefore resurrection must take place, which involves the recovery of all that was lost when we took upon ourselves the form of flesh. A reversal occurs to all the consequences that came to us: as we grew in the realm of duality, becoming more enmeshed into the appearance, or outer world experience; as we lost the memory of that which we had from the foundation of the world. When God allows the Spirit to brood over the formless void of our earth and say, "Let there be light;" then there is an awakening and we are reborn back into the beginning of the knowledge we once had.
It all started by Spirit drawing us. It starts by coming to know Jesus. That is the beginning [entrance] into the knowledge of God. But all of that is so very low on the spectrum of where God desires to bring us to; because it is only as we see Him now, that we express Him. It is not as we saw Him then, that we started to become Him, it is only as we see Him Now. If we ever want to see Christ now, we must look within the realm of spirit. For it is out of this heaven that He is coming forth; and as He does, He is coming forth into conscious awareness. The spirit as light is generating our awareness and then it projects out into the realm of the physical body!
Revelation 20:4 speaks of the Souls that were beheaded. This beheading is two-fold. It is an inward and an outward beheading. The word "beheaded" means to be axed by a two edged-blade. We know that the Word of God is sharper than any two-edged sword.
This two-fold beheading denotes becoming a new soul or being, and getting a new mind, the Mind of Christ. The old mind which we had was exchanged for a new mind. We no longer had our lives governed by the old human mind, but rather by the new Mind of Christ. Everything in the inward and the outward changed. And as we utilize the Mind of Christ we experience this change in every aspect of our life. For example, eating food is a "first principle." Eating food is a principle that we are subject to at the present. When we come into the full expression of God there will be no need to eat, in order to sustain life. Although we will still eat, it will not be something that we must have to stay alive. Food is an elementary bondage. It is not sin, but it is something we must depend upon right now to sustain life. When we experience the fullness, there will be no dependence upon anything natural, in order to survive. One will not even need the elementary principle of air to sustain life. We will completely come out from under anything elementary which formerly ruled us. In II Peter, he speaks of the elements melting with fervent heat. The Greek word for "elements" is, "STOICHEION" meaning anything outward or natural. We will find our life from within ourselves, as a source that is within the realm of Spirit. This is all a part of the outward beheading, spoken of in Revelation 20:4.
The inward beheading has to do with being beheaded from religious bondage and religious legalism. The inward beheading also has to do with being delivered from knowledge of good and evil. All of these things have served a purpose in our lives at one time; for when God has no other way to discipline us, He puts us under law, as children in a play-pen, to lead us to Him. The law has served a purpose in all of our lives. Some people cannot receive the deeper truths that God is revealing today because they heard them without coming up to the standard of that glory therefore it was used to their own destruction. For example: We cannot tell some people that there is no more sin, because some of them would hear the truth, and use it as an excuse to sin. Therefore, God will keep some people's level of consciousness at a lower level than He would like to so He can work the discipline into their lives that is needed in order that they may be ready for the stronger truths. Then when God releases unto them the message of full grace, they will not use it to their own destruction. Truth carries with it a great responsibility. That is why God only takes us from realm to realm, and glory to glory. We cannot receive the higher glory if we are not prepared for it.
I Corinthians 11:27 tell us, "...if we eat or drink unworthily we bring judgment unto ourselves." In other words, if we begin to partake of a realm of glory that we are not prepared to receive, God brings us into correction. Therefore, each progression of glory we attain unto is attained by the in-working of God's Spirit, so we can come up to the lifestyle of that glory. Until then, we are under tutors and governors. Some of the tutors and governors have been the "five fold" ministry. Some people still need that kind of ministry, because they cannot allow the Spirit to take control of their lives as of yet.
Colossians 2:20-22 "Wherefore if ye be dead with Christ from the rudiments of the world, why, as though living in the world, are ye subject to ordinances, [touch not; taste not; handle not; which are all to perish with the using]; after the commandments and doctrines of men?" God is bringing a people out of the realm of "Do's and Don'ts" into the realm of Spirit. Although the law has served its purpose; for God gave Israel the law and confirmed it with glory. He did this so that Israel could be brought into obedience [not into righteousness], but temporarily constrained from exhibiting wild passion. God caused that law to be given with glory, in that Moses' face shown, but Moses seeing His face beginning to dim, put a veil over it so that Israel could not see that the power and glory of the law would be done away with and run rampant. That is why some people cannot see the ending of the church age. They still need to be boxed in a play-pen because they cannot take control and responsibility for their lives. But God is advancing in a people today that can hear these present truths and not use them as an occasion to the flesh.
This beheading is for or by the word of God. As the word comes to us and the level of our consciousness is raised, the word itself brings the experience of this beheading. We are brought into the "Day of the Lord" realm or the spiritual dimension, and leave the Appearance realm. We are separated from a fleshly mentality and receive a New Head and then take on a new conscious awareness. We no longer judge or make decisions based upon anything in the appearance realm, or five sense realm, but judge righteous judgment. All this is being accomplished by the word of God in us.
Revelation 6:9 says, "And when He had opened the fifth seal I saw under the altar, the souls..." The souls were under the altar, the place of sacrifice. And God, in our Christian journey in the Spirit, brings us to various altars, where we offer a little bit more of ourselves each