Your Best Day Today. Rontavis Ph.D. Shamar

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Your Best Day Today - Rontavis Ph.D. Shamar

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best day of my life. I will not stress over where I am. I will not fret over where I thought I would be. I will focus on thanking God that I am better than I used to be. Today will be the best day of my life because I will Thank God because I Am Better in Jesus’ name.

      Be Content

      (Hebrews 13:5)

      5 Let your conduct be without covetousness; be content with such things as you have. For He Himself has said, "I will never leave you nor forsake you."

      Be Content

      That scripture is big enough all by itself. Try focusing on that alone for the day and remember it. Don’t let money control your life. Don’t become so focused on the acquisition of assets that you become discontented with your life. You were put on this earth for a much greater reason than to just get rich. Riches and the love money can separate us from our ultimate purpose. Money in it’s self is neither good nor bad, it is our motivation behind getting it and what we do with it that becomes good or bad.

      There is a story of a rich man that came to Jesus and asked Jesus about receiving eternal life. Jesus told him to sell all that he had and give it to the poor. The man walked away very sad because he could not deal with the thought of parting with his money. Money should not have such as hold on us that it keeps us from honoring God and fulfilling our true purpose in life. Spend this day trying to become more content with your life and what you have. Be content with your talent, your family, your job, your home, your car, your joy, your peace, your body, your mind, your intellect, your education, your church, your pastor, your God!

      I know it’s not the popular thing to say and it’s not what most people want to here, but just be happy with what you have. It’s not a bad thing if you strive for more. I implore you to go for the gold, but be content if you end up with the silver. It’s not the end of the world if you don’t have everything that you want. Be happy that you have as much as you do because need I say, you could have a lot less. Be content.

      Daily Declaration

      Today will be the best day of my life. I will be content in all things because God has been good to me and I am thankful for all that I have. I will strive for more, but be happy with what I have. Today will be the best day of my life because I will Be Content in Jesus’ name.

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