Introduction to the Study of the Holy Qur'an. Maulana Muhammad Ali

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Introduction to the Study of the Holy Qur'an - Maulana Muhammad Ali

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of Arabic Words

      The transliteration system adapted for the e-book format from the standard transliteration system is given below. Due to the limitations of the e-book format in producing some of the diacritical signs, alternative diacritical signs have been used. These changes are indicated by red type.


      Arabic Letter — Sound — Represented by

      hamzah — (sounds like h in hour — a sort of catch in the voice) — ’

      ba — (same as b) — b

      ta — (the Italian dental, softer than t) — t

      tha — (between th in thing and s) — th

      jim — (like g in gem) — j

      ha — (very sharp but smooth guttural aspirate) — h

      kha — (like ch in the Scotch word loch) — kh

      dal — (Italian dental, softer than d) — d

      dhal — (sounds between z and th in that) — dh

      ra — (same as r) — r

      za — (same as z) — z

      sin — (same as s) — s

      shin — (same as sh in she) — sh

      sad — (strongly articulated s, like ss in hiss) — s

      dad — (aspirated d, between d and z) — dz

      ta — (strongly articulated palatal t) — t

      za — (strongly articulated palatal z) — z

      ‘ain — (somewhat like a strong guttural hamzah, not a mere vowel) — ‘

      ghain — (guttural g, but soft) — gh

      fa — (same as f) — f

      qaf — (strongly articulated guttural k) — q

      kaf — (same as k) — k

      lam — (same as l) — l

      mim — (same as m) — m

      nun — (same as n) — n

      ha — (same as h) — h

      waw — (same as w) — w

      ya — (same as y) — y


      The vowels are represented as follows:

      Short vowels:

      — ’ — fathah, as u in tub — a

      — ’ — kasrah, as i in pin — i

      Long vowels:

      — — long fathah, as a in father — a

      — — long kasrah, as ee in deep — i

      — ‘ — long dammah, as oo in moot — u

      — — fathah before waw — au

      — — fathah before ya — ai

      Tanwin ’’ ’’ ‘’ is represented by an, in, un, respectively. The short and long vowels at the end of a word are shown as parts of the words, as qala where the final a stands for the fathah on lam, but the tanwin is shown as a separate syllable, as Muhammad-in.

      Proper Names

      Biblical proper names are not transliterated, but their Biblical form is adopted; other names are transliterated according to the rules of transliteration. Hence the reader will notice a change in such names as Mecca which should be written as Makkah, Medina which should be written as Madinah, Yemen which should be written as Yaman, and so on.

      The following list shows the Biblical names and their Arabic equivalents:

      Biblical Names— Arabic Form

      Aaron — Harun

      Abraham — Ibrahim

      Adam — Adam

      Amran — ‘Imran

      Babel — Babil

      David — Dawud

      Egypt — Misr

      Elias — Ilyas

      Ezra — ‘Uzair

      Elisha — Al-Yash‘a

      Gabriel — Jibril

      Gog — Ya’juj

      Goliath — Jalut

      Gospel — Injil

      Isaac — Ishaq

      Ishmael — Isma‘il

      Jacob — Ya‘qub

      Jesus — ‘Isa

      Jew — Yahudi

      Job — Ayyub

      John — Yahya

      Jonah — Yunus

      Korah — Qarun

      Lot — Lut

      Magog — Ma’juj

      Mary — Maryam

      Michael — Mikal

      Moses — Musa

      Noah — Nuh

      Pharaoh — Fir‘aun

      Saul — Talut

      Sheba — Saba’

      Soloman — Sulaiman

      Torah — Taurat

      Zacharias — Zakariyya

      About the author

      Born in 1874 in the Punjab (India) Maulana Muhammad Ali had a distinguished academic record, obtaining degrees in English and Law by 1899. As he stood on the threshold of a lucrative career in law, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmed, the reformer (mujaddid) of the 14th century Hijra, called on him to devote his life to the service of Islam. He forthwith abandoned his worldly plans and joined the great reformer in Qadian. Here he learned those gems of Islamic truth uncovered in this age by Hazrat

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