Think Twice: You Can Be Creative. Dr. Jasmine Boone's Renner
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Your mind has a momentum. It is spirited. It has a frequency. It has been often said and it is true that your thoughts hold the key to your life.
Just as the momentum of an object will never change if it is left alone, the same applies to the momentum of your spirited mind. If the 'm' value and the 'v' value remain the same, the momentum value will be constant. You will be on a standstill mode and put to no use.
It is true that the momentum of an objec, or set of objects or system remains the same if it is left alone. Momentum is said to be conserved within such a system.
Here’s an illustration of your mind’s momentum in simpler terms. When you throw a ball at someone and it hits him hard, it hurts because it was difficult to stop (had momentum).Think about it. If you throw a small ball and a large ball at the same speeds, the large ball will hit a person with a greater momentum, be harder to stop, and hurt more. When the mass is greater (at the same speeds), the momentum is greater.
Mental momentum works in the same way. Therefore the need for mental enlargement and a constant realization about the incredible power of a spirited mind cannot be overemphasized. Your mind acts as a pivot around which your whole existence revolves. It is essentially where thinking take place. Have you ever had the saying that your worth and value in life is essentially a product of the use of your mind? I will add your worth and value in life is essentially a product of the use of your spirited or awaken mind – whether you call it so or not.
Your spirited awaken mind which is full of energy and momentum is incredible. It encapsules the greatest level of intelligence a man can ever attain.
Your spirited and wakened mind’s capacity is unlimited. the mind is capable of. In respective of the material world or happenings around you this is what your spirited and awakened mind consistency and continuously says:
All things are possible to them that believe.
I mentioned the Faith and Belief Key as one of the most fundamental wisdom keys for releasing your creative potential on my book Wisdom Keys for Releasing Your Creative Potential,.
Notice the word all not some. All things!! For the spirited and awaken and alive mind nothing is impossible. The second universe of creativity is unlimited. I personally think that it is unnatural for those who profess to believe or have faith not to have an appetite for the impossible. The only way to constantly activate incredible work through creativity is to consistently view reality from the creator and architect’s perspective. That’s what is referred to as the process of the renewing your mind. A total absolute mental revolution about the unlimited potential of your spirited mind.
As a man or woman thinks he or she is creative, so is he –Dr. Jasmine Renner
You see your belief system has the power to create and the power to destroy. Human beings have the awesome ability to take any experience of their lives and create a meaning that disempowers them or one that can literally save their lives. Tony Robbins Ralph Waldo Emerson puts it brilliantly: Man is what he thinks all day long and his character is the totality of his thinking (mine emphasis).
Cause and effect are as absolute and undeviating in the hidden realm of thought as is in the world of visible and material things. Men and women are gradually awakening to the fact that their physical condition is determined largely by their belief system and the use of their minds. Your emotional life is regulated by the way you think all day long. You believe when you have confidence in the truth or existence of something not immediately susceptible to rigorous proof. The law of the creative life is the law of belief and acceptance. Your belief system launches you into absolute competence for creativity. The ultimate belief in the potential of your mind power releases your creative juices.
As Tony Robbins states: Beliefs have the power to create and the power to destroy. Human beings have the awesome ability to take any experience of their lives and create a meaning that disempowers them or one that can literally save their lives. In order to experience a release of your creative energy realizes you are the master of your thoughts and belief system and reaction to life. You are the maker of your conditions, experiences and event. Every creative thought felt as true or allowed to be accepted as true by your conscious mind takes root in your regenerated mind, and blossoms sooner or later into an act and bears its own fruit. Creative thoughts bring forth creative fruits.
A spiritually alive and awakened mind is transformative. It is transformative because spiritually alive and awakened individuals think from a different reality from the heavens towards the earth. The imagination is literally the workshop where all plans created by man are fashioned. Through the aide of his imagination man has discovered and harnessed more of nature’s forces than in anytime of history. He has conquered the air that the birds are no match for him. He has analyzed and weighed the sun at a distance of millions of miles. He has increased the speed of locomotion Man’s only limitation lies in the underdevelopment and usage of his imagination. Through the faculty of creative imagination the finite mind of a man has direct communication with infinite intelligence. It is the faculty through which hunches and inspiration are received. It is the faculty through which basic, new improved ideas are handed to man. The great leaders of business, industry, finance, great artists, musicians poets and writers became great because they developed their creative imagination. The creative faculties of imagination become more alert with use just as any muscle or organ of the body develops through use. and Believe is the acceptance of something as true or real.. Belief is the highest form of a spiritual mind. Some call it faith,
I understand that there is some hesitancy when we talk about the mind as a tool of creativity. Many people instinctively distrust the mind thinking that it is irredeemable corrupt and humanistic. Many live without activating the full use of their mind’s potential. It is almost like the mind is never renewed. However and an un- renewed mind has no value when it comes to creativity because is akin to a discordant key in a piano.
Your Incredible Spirited Mind
I remember those days when I obligated myself to “not experience my best me!” I felt that it was too hard and beyond me. I also obligated myself to believe that others were comfortable with the person that I was at present. Becoming anything more would cause me to lose my friends and relationships! I was afraid to possess a Beautiful Mind. I was afraid to allow myself to be my greatest me!
Until one day I decided to put an end to the spiritual suicide and awaken to the ME that was designed before the foundations of the world. I had to accept that I was not an afterthought, but an Intention. God wanted me to be here!
Simply put an incredible mind that has been infused with new life making it supernaturally active and prone to receive creative signals. The bible refers to it as the mind of Christ. It also speaks about it been renewed in the spirit of your mind. You see every human being has the potential of possessing a spirited and awakened mind.. An incredible mind is a mind that was regenerated and spirited. It is a mind that operates in the frequency like the creator and architect of the universe of the mind for whom it was said.
All things were made by him and without him was not anything made that was made.
When we recognize the fingerprint of the Divine upon all of humanity we are forced to reconsider what the true value of our incredible