Leesa's Story: Book Three of the Lane Trilogy. Vicki Inc. Andree
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The judge pounded her gavel. “Los Angeles County versus Leesa Lane.”
Aaron approached the judge as an officer brought Leesa forward to stand next to him. She glared at him through unkempt hair and smeared mascara. “How dare you leave me here overnight.”
He whispered back, “Are you all right?”
She rubbed her arms. “They put me in solitary confinement.”
Aaron lifted one eyebrow. “You can thank your lucky stars for that.” He directed his attention to the front of the room.
“Mr. Stern, you’re the attorney of record for Miss Lane. How do you plead?”
He straightened. “Not guilty. Your honor, Miss Lane was distraught at the time. We agree that she shouldn’t have been driving.”
The judge looked down her nose at the sheet of paper in her hand. “The police report says she stopped after running a red light in excess of ninety miles an hour. A high-speed chase ensued, after he clocked her doing eighty miles an hour in a school zone and she refused to pull over. Counselor?”
Aaron removed his glasses and looked at the judge. “We beg the court’s mercy. My client has no record. She had no alcohol in her system. She passed the drug test. Her father recently passed away, and she’s been under an extreme amount of pressure since then. She’s not a flight risk. We ask for her release and pardon.”
The judge let the paper drop out of her hand and float to the top of her desk. “The pardon, she’s not getting. We’ll release her on fifty thousand dollars bond into your custody.”
Aaron protested, “But, Your Honor—”
“No ‘but’s, Mr. Stern. Work it out with the D.A., or I’ll see you in court a week from Monday. Next case.”
The bailiff motioned for the officer to unlock Leesa’s cuffs. The officer escorted Leesa and Aaron to the records room, where Aaron filled out forms and signed for the responsibility of Leesa until her court date. He put down the pen and faced her. “Don’t miss your court date.”
Leesa rubbed her temples. “Stop talking to me like I’m some lowlife criminal. Don’t do me any favors. I had a bad day. It happens.”
Aaron picked up his attaché case. “You’d better change your attitude. You’re in trouble. I don’t know why you called me; I’m not a criminal attorney. You could have any attorney in town. If you want my help, shut up.”
Leesa frowned. “A criminal? Is that what you think I am?”
Aaron held the door open for her. You’re incredibly naïve for a thirty-two-year-old woman who just spent the night in jail.
Chapter Two
Cook’s prayer team gathered at Doris’s home. Cook sat in the wingback chair near the fireplace. “Leesa didn’t show up for breakfast this morning. I don’t think she came home last night, so I don’t know what happened at the reading of Lawrence’s will yesterday. My prayer was that the twins would be reconciled. Maybe she spent the night with Lyza. God can do anything.
“I’m still celebrating answered prayer for Lawrence’s salvation. Praise God. I know, I know, you must be getting tired of hearing me talk about it.” She chattered on while her four prayer partners listened politely. “God is at work all around us. All these years that I’ve worked for the Lane family; I knew the Lord wanted me to be faithful and keep praying for their salvation. Now both Lyza and Lawrence are believers.”
Jack commented drily, “Well, Lawrence is dead.”
Cook leaned forward. “No matter. He made his confession of faith, and you know what that means.”
Doris confirmed, “He’s with the Lord in heaven. And Beverly, none of us get tired of hearing about it. Remember, we’ve prayed with you—not for thirty years, but for many years. The only sad thing is that Lana died before she found the Lord.”
“Yes,” Cook shook her head. “Lawrence and Lana really loved each other. I feel so bad about her death, but we trust God for His wisdom. I mean, she had plenty of chances. She took it hard when Lawrence disowned Lyza for converting to Christianity. She dealt with disturbing issues by running off to the jungles and looking for her precious orchids. Who knew she’d get bitten by a viper and die while in Ecuador? I hope she didn’t suffer.”
Doris waved hands above her head. “Praise God for His wisdom! We’ll keep praying for Leesa’s eyes to be opened. Does anyone else have a prayer request?”
“I want to pray for my nephew,” Jack said immediately. “He’s starting his own business, and I’m not sure he’s ready for such an endeavor. He hasn’t been able to get a job, so he feels like he has no other choice.”
“What kind of business?” Cook asked.
Jack scratched his head. “Handyman. He’ll do anything. At least he’s talented in that area. That guy can fix anything, and if he can’t fix it, he can make it. Hope it works out. He needs income soon, like yesterday.”
Doris said, “I could sure use some work done around here. It’s impossible for a widow like me to keep up maintenance on this old house. Have him give me a call. We’ll pray for him for sure. But it sounds like he’s on the right track.”
Evelyn added, “I could use some help, too. After he’s through with Doris, have him call me.”
Jack smiled gratefully. “You don’t have to do that. He can find his own clients. He has to learn to get out there and shake the bushes.”
Doris frowned. “Jack, you know me better than that. I need help, and I wouldn’t spend money I don’t have just to do you a favor. I need someone to help me out.”
“Me, too.” Evelyn handed him a card. “If he’s willing to do yard work, I have a ton of that.”
Doris gave Jack a slip of paper. “He’d better call me first.”
Jane wrote her number on the bottom of a sheet in her notepad and tore it off and handed it to Jack. “He can call me when he gets a chance.”
Jack looked at the women. “Really? I can’t believe it! He’s going to be thrilled.”
Cook held out her hand. “Give me his number for if Leesa ever needs something extra done on the estate. Usually the staff takes care of anything. At least if I have his number, I can give it to anyone who might need help.”
Jack reached for his wallet. “Thanks, Beverly. I know the Lane estate has its own staff. He doesn’t have cards yet. Here, let me write his number on the back of one of mine.”
Doris put a tray with a pot of coffee, five cups, and condiments on the coffee table. “I’m trying a new Kona blend this morning, so imagine we’re in Hawaii. Here’s creamer and sugar cubes.”
Cook helped herself to the coffee and passed the pot to Jack. “All right, we need to pray for Jack’s