The Red House Mystery and Other Novels. A. A. Milne
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BOB (eagerly). Say you're not sorry for what you're doing.
PAMELA. Aren't I doing it?
BOB. Say you love _me_ and not Gerald. Say you really love me, and it's not just because you are sorry for me.
PAMELA. Oh, I have so much in my heart for you, Bob. I'm glad I'm marrying you. But you must always love me, and want me as you want me now.
BOB (seizing her is his arms). By God! you'll get that. (He kisses her fiercely.)
PAMELA (satisfied). Oh, Bob! Oh, Bob! I'm glad I found you at last. (She goes away from him and stands looking into the fire, one hand on the mantelpiece.)
BOB. Shall I go and look for Gerald?
PAMELA (looking into the fire). Yes. No. He'll come.
BOB. You won't let him talk you round?
PAMELA (looking up at him in surprise). Oh no; I'm quite safe now.
BOB. I can never thank you for all you've done, for all you've been to me. When we are out of this cursd country, and I have you to myself, I will try to show you. (She says nothing, and he walks restlessly about the room. He picks up a hat and says) Hullo, Tommy's here.
PAMELA (quickly). I don't want to see him, I don't want to see anybody. We must just tell Gerald and then go.
BOB. Anybody might come at any moment. You should have let me write as I wanted to. Or waited till he came back to London.
PAMELA. We've given up being cowards. Perhaps you'd better try and find him. We'll only tell Gerald. If we see the others, we'll just have to make the best of it.
BOB (moving off towards the door in front of the staircase). All right. If I find him I'll send him in here. [He goes out.]
(PAMELA drops into a chair and remains looking at the fire. GERALD, coming down from the gallery above, suddenly catches sight of her.)
GERALD (rushing down the stairs). Pamela! Why, Pamela! (Excitedly) Why are you--You said tomorrow. Pamela, you said--Never mind, you're here. Oh, bless you! (PAMELA has got up to meet him, and he is now standing holding her hands, and looking at her happily.) Pamela's here; all's right with the world. (He leans forward to kiss her, but she stops him.)
PAMELA (nervously). No, no; I've something to tell you, Gerald.
GERALD. I've got a thousand things to tell _you_.
PAMELA. Bob's here.
GERALD (excited). Bob? Did you come down with him?
GERALD. I had a telegram, but it didn't say--Did you meet him? Why didn't he tell us? Where is he?
PAMELA. He just went to look for you.
GERALD. I'll soon find him.
(He turns away to go after BOB, but PAMELA stops him.)
PAMELA. Gerald!
GERALD (turning round). Yes.
PAMELA. Never mind Bob for the moment. I wanted to see you alone.
GERALD (coming back quickly). Of course. Hang Bob! Come on the sofa and tell me everything. Jove! it's wonderful to see you again; you've been away for years.
(He takes her hand and tries to lead her towards the sofa, but she stops.)
PAMELA. Gerald, you're making it very hard for me; I've got something to tell you.
GERALD (afraid suddenly and speaking sharply). What do you mean?
PAMELA. Oh, don't look at me like that--I know it will hurt you, but it won't be more than that. I want you to release me from my promise.
GERALD. What promise?
PAMELA (in a low voice). My promise to marry you.
GERALD. I don't understand. Why?
PAMELA (bravely). I want to marry Bob.
(Keeping his eyes on her all the time, GERALD moves slowly away from her.)
GERALD (to himself). Bob! Bob! But you knew Bob first.
GERALD. And then you promised to marry me. You couldn't have been in love with him. I don't understand.
PAMELA (sadly). I don't understand either, but that's how it's happened.
GERALD. And to think how I've been throwing you in Bob's way, and wanting you and him to be fond of each other. (Fiercely) _That_ didn't make you think that I didn't love you?
PAMELA (faltering). I--I don't--you didn't--
GERALD. I was so confident of you. That was your fault. You made me.
PAMELA. I think you could have made me love you if you hadn't been so confident.
GERALD. I trusted you. You had told me. _I_ knew I should never change, and I thought I knew _you_ wouldn't.
PAMELA. I was wrong. I never did love you.
GERALD. Then why did you say--
PAMELA (looking at him rather wistfully). You're rather charming, Gerald, you know, and you--
GERALD (turning away from her furiously). _Damn_ charming! That's what you all say. I'm sick of it! You think that if a man's charming, that's the end of him, and that all he's good for is to amuse a few old ladies at a tea party. I'm sick of it! The rude rough man with the heart of gold--that's the only sort that can have a heart at all, according to some of you.
PAMELA (utterly surprised by this). Gerald!
GERALD. I'm sorry, Pamela. Of course you wouldn't understand. But we were just talking. (With a sudden disarming smile) I don't know whether an apology is overdoing the charm?
PAMELA (in distress). Oh, Gerald, you couldn't really have loved me; you don't really now. Of course, it will hurt you, but you'll soon get over it. Oh, what's the good of my talking like this? I've never really known you; I don't know