The Ultimate Guide to Classic Game Consoles. Kevin Baker
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The Ultimate Guide To
Classic Game Consoles
Author: Kevin Baker
Article contributors: Jason, Octavian Ristea & Dendory
Editors: Jayne, Juliette & Alan Baker
Copyright 2013 Kevin Baker
All rights reserved.
Published in eBook format by
ISBN-13: 978-1-4566-1708-0
No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review.
This book is dedicated to my wife Jayne, my family and all classic console collectors.
1 – Introduction
Many introductions to books seem to drag on for an age, so I am going to go against the grain here and make this introduction as short as possible. The objective of this book is to provide a reference for collectors and enthusiasts of classic games consoles. A book in digital form so that you can also take it with you to a garage sale or car boot sale on your device, where you will have a useful reference on hand to find out more information about any console you may spot and consider collecting. You can also use this book to build up general knowledge about classic game consoles in general. Consoles reviewed span from between 1972 up to the year 2000, from 1st generation consoles right through to 5th generation consoles. I hope that you find the book useful and interesting at the same time.
2 – Classic Game Console Collecting Guide
CC Image – – Daniel Pisano
An Overview
Collecting classic game consoles appeals to people in different ways and people have their own unique reasons for becoming collectors. Some people like to collect classic consoles and games for nostalgic reasons. Maybe you are a fan of a particular game genre and want to collect as many games as possible for that genre. Others collect classic consoles for investment purposes, or perhaps they may be fans of a particular game console company, such as Atari, Sega or classic Nintendo systems which have their own individual feel and style.
Every collector usually has a personal favourite console that they love. My choice would be the Atari 2600 or the Neo Geo, whereas for others it may be the Fairchild Channel F, the Sega Saturn or even the Vectrex. If you are new to collecting classic consoles or you are considering starting up a collection there are many different approaches you can take. For instance, will you build up a collection of many different consoles and if so from what era? Will you specialise in collecting a full set of games for a particular console, or from a particular games console company, or will you opt to collect rare consoles and games as an investment for the future? Also, keep your budget in mind, as if you opt to collect the Atari 2600 and games for example it will be a relatively cheap endeavour, whereas if you decide to collect the Neo Geo console and games it will turn out to be quite an expensive hobby.
If you are a classic game console enthusiast and you are speaking to a non-enthusiast I would highly recommend keeping conversation about your hobby to under one minute. For example, if you are at a party and try to express your love for classic consoles to non-enthusiasts, they will more than likely try to drown themselves in the punch bowl through sheer boredom after a while. However, whenever you have the chance to talk to a fellow enthusiast, whether it be online or in person, it is a lot of fun sharing knowledge and experiences.
When most people think of a stereotypical classic game console collector, images of geeky middle-aged men dressed up as Darth Vader behind closed doors, fencing with their dog using a fake light sabre and speaking fluent Vulcan spring to mind. However, in reality, console collectors come from all different walks of life and it is a fun community to be a part of.
Where To Start?
If you are new to console collecting it can be overwhelming as to where to start in the sea of collectable consoles and games out there. A good tip is to maybe start with a console system that you are familiar with, which maybe you had when you were younger. This way you know the console and have a head start. It is also a great idea to have a clear cut goal. For example, you could start out by aiming to collect say a Sega Genesis console and a collection of your top 10 most favourite games. After this, you can of course readjust your goal to collect maybe 50 games and so on. This way you are hitting your goal and it is rewarding, rather than just having a blurred open goal with no focus. Having crystal clear focus and successfully hitting your goal targets is fun and there is the bonus of a feeling of achievement afterward.
Where To Find Classic Consoles & Games
So just where can you find that classic console or the games you have in mind? The best places tend to be at garage sales, car boot sales, flea markets, second hand shops, sales ad columns in local newspapers and swap meets. You will maybe even spot an absolute bargain at a garage sale or car boot sale where people are often anxious to get rid of what they see as clutter, thus maybe coming across a rare gem of a game. You can also pick up consoles and games online, such as on eBay or Amazon. To find out what the average price of the console you are looking to purchase might be, you can go online and see what price people are buying and selling it at. Bear in mind that if you spot a classic console at a car boot sale and there is no way of testing the console, you can end up with a faulty console with no comeback.
Be especially careful if you are ordering consoles to be delivered from another country, as the customs / import tax fees can be higher than what you paid for the actual console in many cases. First check the customs fees that you will have to pay, to gauge whether it is worth ordering a classic console as an import to your country of residence.
If you do opt to buy a console from another country, make sure that the console model in question was actually distributed there. China, Eastern Europe, Nigeria and Russia are just some of the countries where you want to be especially careful before parting with your money.
Make a List
If you are collecting games as additions into a large collection that you have planned, make sure you make a list of the titles that you want to collect. This way you can cross off the ones you have bought so that you will not collect the same game twice. This is something many collectors have often mistakenly done, especially if they have hectic lifestyles which tend to warp memories.
If you have a smartphone or other device that has an Internet connection, bring it along with you to the garage sale or car boot sale so that you can watch gameplay videos of games that you spot but are unfamiliar with. At flea markets or car boot sales, make sure you get there early, first thing in the morning, right when it opens preferably, or else what you are looking for may have already gone by the time you get there. It always pays to ask people at flea markets or car boot sales if they have any games, even though you might not see classic games on their display table. Often