Naked Ambition. Dan Roberts

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Naked Ambition - Dan Roberts

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not gonna’ back out on me, are you?”

      Zach, not being able to keep a straight face, started laughing. “Yeah, dude, I’m going. Just wanted to get your motor revved.”

      “Damn you!” was Nick’s retort as he broke into a smile.

      Nick knew what Zach’s grinning and laughter was all about. It went back to a time—about two years ago—when the same question had been asked of Zach. Back then, he wasn’t so keen on saying yes. Not that he didn’t want to, especially when Nick told him of the number of girls that would be at the event. But, for Zach, it was going to be a big challenge, one of modesty. Actually, it was more like a challenge of embarrassment.

      Ever since they were boys, Zach and Nick had been friends, tightly bonded through their sport of volleyball. It was during those early years that Zach came to know Nick’s family and their history, one that was rooted in a rather different lifestyle. They were nudist and members of a nudist community that lay just south of Reading. Called Sylvan Acres Health Society, it was made up of several hundred acres of mostly forested land. However, in the center of that wooded acreage was a large residential and recreational area that included a swimming pool and several tennis and volleyball courts. It was no secret among most of his volleyball buddies that Nick’s parents belonged to Sylvan Acres. Nick’s grandparents even lived there, and had for over thirty years. Zach and several other close friends had heard Nick tell numerous stories about how he and his brother, Brandon, had spent many of their childhood summer days in the buff, swimming in the pool, slithering down the water slide and playing volleyball.

      Over the years Zach had heard Nick and Brandon talk about going to ‘The Bowl’ or SVB, referring to Super Volley Bowl, an annual naked volleyball tournament that was always scheduled for the weekend after Labor Day. It was a huge event, one that was the focus of nudists—even many non-nudists—throughout North America. Every fall several thousand players and fans from all across America and Canada descended on Black Oak, a large nudist resort located in western Pennsylvania, near the Ohio state line. It was four days filled with non-stop play. During that time, on more than fifteen courts, hundreds of naked players battled it out to see who would become the reigning team for the year. It literally exposed fans to some of the best volleyball players on the continent. For participants and spectators alike, this tournament was one of the most exciting, intense sporting events of the season. For the diehards, it was ‘volleyball heaven.’ And, according to Nick and Brandon, it was also ‘chick heaven’ since there were a number of girls and young women involved in the tournament play.

      Two years ago, Nick had asked Zach if he would be interested in going. Zach replied that the interest was there, but he wasn’t sure if he could actually do it since he had never been naked with a group of people before.

      “You mean you’ve not even done any skinny-dipping with friends?” asked Nick.

      “Nope, not even that,” replied Zach.

      Nick’s responded with a smile, saying, “Dude, we can change that real quick. Why don’t you come out to Sylvan Acres with me next weekend.” With a grin on his face, Zach said, “Okay.”

      It was on a warm, sunny Saturday afternoon that Zach bravely stripped off his outer wear and had his first experience of naked volleyball. And naked swimming. And a naked picnic. He loved it all. So much so that he was quickly on board for a trip to SVB that fall. And for every fall after that. “I’ll be going there forever,” he had said with a smile.

      So, to Nick’s present question, Zach replied, “Oh, yeah, dude. Wouldn’t miss ‘The Bowl’ for the world.”

      “Good to hear.”

      Looking at his watch, Zach said, “Well, gotta get going.” He was just about to walk away from Nick when he said, “Dude, be careful. I know you’re going to be alone with Clarkson tonight. I don’t want anything to happen to my best bud. Hear?” With that he knocked knuckles with Nick and walked away.

      “Peace, bud” was Nick’s reply as he formed the ‘peace’ sign with his two first fingers.

      It was not more than five minutes later that Nick was in the shower, washing away the salty sweat from his body. Once clean, he stepped out of the tub and toweled himself off. As he did so, he looked up and saw his reflection in the full-length mirror hanging on the bathroom door. Although not a narcissist, he couldn’t help but stop and scan his well-tanned, well-toned body. He smiled as he saw that it was taking on a shape that he had longed for since his early teen years. His chest had added some girth over the last year and was much more defined than even six months ago. That was true for most of his body: the arms, the abdominals, the legs—all were more muscled than when he entered community college last August. His workouts at the gym, his swimming numerous laps at the pool and his jogging or biking miles at a time had all paid off.

      Although a little self-conscious at first, Nick was curious. After dropping the towel to the floor, he began posing in a variety of positions, postures that young men typically put themselves into when wanting to show off their muscles. With his arms held out to the side, he curled his arms—flexing them—so that his biceps popped up into two well-rounded balls of muscle perched on either side of his broad shoulders. The same thing happened when he pushed out his chest, bringing tension to the pecs, tautness to each one of the fleshy mounds that produced two well-defined bulges of striated muscle. Then there were the muscles of his back and side. When put into the right position, his lat muscles flared so much that they looked somewhat like bat wings.

      Once self-approval was given to the upper body, his eyes dropped downward. He could not help but notice the sinewy definition of the muscles of the calves and quads as he posed, flexing one leg and then the other. Because of his low body fat, Nick’s long legs were well sculpted, showing the effects of the many squats he had done over the last year. Now in the pelvic area, his eyes lingered on the neatly trimmed bush of blond hair between his legs and what lay below it. It was there that he viewed what some guys called their manhood. Although not quite as big as that of his buddy, Zach, he was pleased with what he saw. For that reason he allowed his eyes to briefly loiter as he smiled.

      Finally, he turned around so that he could see his backside. It was in that position—as he forced a pose—that he noticed the fibrous muscles of his buttocks, that part of his body that seemed to be especially attractive to the females. In acknowledgement of what he saw, Nick smiled once again.

      Before leaving the bathroom, he scanned his entire body one more time, silently giving approval to all that he was viewing in the mirror. Damn, he thought to himself, I’m more than ready for ‘The Bowl’ this year. Especially for the chicks!

      CHEN’S AFTERNOON WAS A WALK in the park. Literally. With the morning consisting of an early breakfast with a deputy consular from Bolivia, a mid-morning meeting with a Wall Street financial analyst and lunch with a potential target from a small Manhattan-based brokerage house, Chen felt the need to be outside. To get some exercise. So, after donning a short-sleeved shirt, kaki pants and a pair of comfortable shoes, he made his way to Central Park, only a few blocks east of the Chateaux 54. Although a hot day, Chen found that the trees lining the park’s paths shaded him from the direct rays of the sun, making his walk a refreshing change from all the fumes and noise of city traffic.

      After strolling through some of the more famous areas of the park, places like Strawberry Fields and Cherry Hill, he stopped at a large body of water, one simply called The Lake. He lingered there for several minutes to take in the beauty of the scene before him: several miniature radio-controlled sailboats skimming along the water’s edge with green grass, flowering bushes and a virtual forest as a backdrop. He thought it a bit surreal to see this pristine view disrupted by the tops of lofty

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