Naked Ambition. Dan Roberts

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Naked Ambition - Dan Roberts

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me he couldn’t help out any more, I thought Nick could step in to help you.”

      “Good choice,” said Clarkson.

      In front of Nick, Baker said to Clarkson, “I think you’ll find Nick a good teacher and a great inspiration to the guys here.”

      Nick felt like blushing but tried hard not to. Compliments like that were not something he welcomed. As Baker continued talking with Clarkson, Nick looked out onto the field where he saw several groups of boys. Some of them were at the nets, playing. Others were going through some practice routines. Still others, like the group that was normally coached by Zach, were nearby, standing under some trees, shading themselves from the intense rays of the evening sun.

      Seeing this himself, Coach Clarkson turned to Nick and said, “Guess we should get your team started with some laps to warm ‘em up.” He laughed as he said, “As if they aren’t hot enough.” Then Clarkson, looking at Nick, said, “How about you going with them. Two laps should do. Don’t want to push ‘em too much.” As an afterthought he said, “Once you’ve done the laps then lead them through some stretches.”

      “Yes, sir,” Nick replied politely and walked onto the field with the coach.

      The next thing Nick heard was Clarkson blowing his whistle while motioning with his hand in a way that brought everyone together. As he looked at the group gathering, Nick saw what his dad, an experienced volleyball coach, would have called a rag-tag bunch of boys. All sizes and shapes. Some skinny ones. A few fat ones. And, yes, there were a few that looked like they could actually play the game. Especially, the tall boy. The thin, blond one. The one that looked very much like a skinny version of Nick Blick.

      “Listen up, guys!” Clarkson said in a loud, artificially gruff voice, one that many coaches use to exhibit their authority. After placing his hand on Nick’s shoulder, the coach continued. “This here’s Nick. He’s taking Zach’s place. Treat him with the same respect you gave Zach.” All eyes were now on Nick as Clarkson continued. “Okay, boys. He’s going to get you warmed up. Follow him.”

      After Clarkson nodded, Nick clapped his hands together and said, “Okay, guys, follow me.” With that Nick took off running with the gaggle of players following close behind. Some running. Some jogging. A couple of the stragglers were loping along, not even trying to keep up with the others.

      Once the boys were on their way, Baker turned to Clarkson. “Well, I’ve got to get going. Believe it or not, I’ve got some work at the office to finish up before Wednesday’s meeting.”

      “Which meeting is that, George?” Clarkson asked inquisitively.

      Baker lowered his voice as he said, “There’s a meeting I’ve set up with the Department of the Navy. It’s in D.C. We’re finalizing the ArrowStar project.”

      “I thought that wasn’t until next week.”

      “We’re still having the general meeting next Tuesday. But there are some questions that have to be answered before then. And some suggested changes that have been made that we need to get clearance on. So, I made arrangements with Admiral Lewis to meet this week. It’s to make sure we have everything ready. That way, if there are any questions or problems, we can iron out the wrinkles at that time. I don’t want anything that could slow us up or delay the Navy’s approval for the next stage of the project.”

      Clarkson’s head nodded in agreement. “Understood. We don’t want any hitches. As you know, we’ve got a lot riding on this project. Honestly, the future of our company is dependent on this one.”

      “I might be down there for a day or two, depending on how things go.”

      “Okay. Just keep me informed on what’s going on.”

      “Will do,” Baker said. With that Zach’s dad turned to go but stopped as if suddenly remembering something. “Oh, by the way, with Zach being gone…” Baker paused, then continued. “Well, Herb, I wondering if you would do me a favor. Nick’s car is in the shop. He said it won’t be done ‘til Friday. Zach’s taking him home tonight and tomorrow night. Then a friend who works nearby can bring him here the other days but can’t pick him up. I was wondering if you would be able to drop Nick off at our house after practice on Wednesday. And maybe Thursday, too, if I have to stay in D.C.”

      Looking rather indifferent, Clarkson said, “Sure. Anything to help, George. Besides, it’s not far out of my way.”

      “Thanks, Herb,” Baker said with a nod. “Now, I’ve got to get going. See you later.”

      “Take care, George.” With that said, Clarkson looked up and out onto the field to watch the boys—his boys—running in the distance. As he gazed at the group that was now being coached by Nick, he saw that there were two separate groupings of runners: one small group of stragglers following the larger group, most of whom were keeping up the pace. He was especially taken by the two front-runners. Two tall blonds, running almost neck-and-neck. Out front by only a half a step was the taller one—Nick. Just to his right was young Jack Thompson, trying to keep pace with the newly appointed student coach. To see these two young men casually vying for first place produced a smile on Clarkson’s face, one that would be repeated later that night.

      THE TWO YOUNG MEN HAD HARDLY GOTTEN into the car when Zach turned to Nick and asked, “So how did it go?”

      “Practice went well,” was the response from Nick. “Definitely some challenges there. But some of those boys have potential.”

      “No!” said Zach, a bit frustrated. “I mean with Clarkson.”

      “Oh, yeah,” Nick said as he stripped off his T-shirt and used it to wipe perspiration from his neck. “Good, I think.” He then added, “Dude, how about turning on the A/C.”

      Zach placed his finger on the air conditioning ‘high’ button and pushed it. Almost immediately, cool air started blowing from the vents. “Dad said that Clarkson will be taking you home tomorrow. And Thursday night, too. You okay with that?”

      “Sure,” came the reply. “That’s what I was hoping for.” As he spoke those words, Nick leaned forward so that his face was just inches away from an air vent.

      “So, did you get to talk with Jack?”

      “A little,” he said, shrugging his shoulders. “He’s not a very friendly kid. Kinda shy. A loner, I think. But he’s definitely a competitive dude.”

      “How’s that?”

      “Well, he seemed to always want to do what I asked but to do it better than the others. You know, faster, stronger, higher.” He then looked at Zach with a smile and said, “The kid tried to outpace me on the final warm-up lap. He’s got some spunk.”

      “Anything else?”

      “Yeah,” Nick said with a special notation, “he’s pretty tight with Clarkson. I mean, anything Clarkson asked, Jack was right there to do it.”

      “So, did Clarkson make any moves on you?”

      “Naw,” he said, shaking his head.

      “Dad said he could see that he was looking at you with interest.”


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