Promises for Dynamic Living. Linda Knight
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Promise: God promises to go wherever I go and never leave me.
When the children of Israel received this promise, they were about to enter the land promised by God. They were going to be facing their enemies in battle. This certainty of God’s presence is repeated over and over in the Bible. God desires that we have confidence and trust in Him. He does not want us to fear people, circumstances or things, but to live with assurance in Him.
Lessons and Truths:
1.Following God requires me to be courageous and unafraid.
2.God is omnipresent.
3.God is faithful and trustworthy at all times and in all circumstances.
4.God keeps His promises.
Prayer: Lord, lead me to a deeper faith and help me to realize that you are with me at all times and in all circumstances. Give me a sense of your presence today and help me to live more confidently knowing you are always with me. Amen.
What is my response to God’s promise?
Am I relying on God’s presence to daily encourage and strengthen me?
Where do I need His strength and courage today?
Do I believe with all my heart that God is always with me and God will never leave me?
How should these truths be affecting my life?
Promise Confirmation: Psalm 139:7-10, Matthew 28:18-20, Hebrews 13:5-6
Day 7
Eternal Endurance
Isaiah 51:7-8
“Hear me, you who know what is right, you people who have my law in your hearts: Do not fear the reproach of men or be terrified by their insults.
For the moth will eat them up like a garment; the worm will devour them like wool. But my righteousness will last forever, my salvation through all generations.”
Promise: God promises believers that His righteousness is eternal and His salvation will endure throughout all generations.
When you play a game, who do you choose to be on your team? Usually, I like to choose the most competent person for the game. Who is most competent when it comes to life and reaching godly goals? God! He is greater than anything I can ever face. He assures me that He will endure eternally and He will save me. I need to believe and not focus on the turmoil that surrounds me. I will keep my focus on Almighty God!
Lessons and Truths:
1.God’s Word can abide in my heart.
2.God’s Word teaches rightness for living.
3.Men are temporal and God is eternal.
4.Men use fear to control others; God is greater than any of their plans.
5.God cares for sinful man and has provided a way for salvation.
6.God’s plan of salvation is immutable—the same yesterday, today, and forever, unchanging from generation to generation.
Prayer: Lord, teach me through your Word as I seek to claim your promises. Through me, show your righteousness to others. Give me courage to face the tough situations without fear and depend upon you for strength and victory. I am so thankful that you are unchanging and for the assurance, which your character brings to my life. Amen.
What is my response to God’s promise?
Where am I experiencing fear and in need of dependence upon God for victory?
Where do I need to put on Christ’s righteousness today?
Promise Confirmations: Psalm 119:144, 2 Timothy 1:9-12, Hebrews 13:8
Day 8
A Solid Hope
Hebrews 10:23
“Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful.”
Promise: God promises us a solid hope that we may cling to in Christ.
I looked up swerve in the dictionary and it means: to turn aside or cause to turn aside from a straight line. When I think of this in biblical terms, it means I need to hold onto what I have in Christ and not become sidetracked. What do I have in Christ that is worth holding onto when the world swirls around me? Faith in Christ gives me hope, salvation, eternal life, and the Holy Spirit, who indwells me. He is with me each and every day. He provides me with love, peace, assurance, and guidance through His Word. I can have a personal relationship with Almighty God. What earthly thing can compare to the riches I have in Christ?
Lessons and Truths:
1.God is faithful.
2.God gives me hope for my life now and a future through Christ.
3.God desires that I cling to Jesus, my hope, without wavering.
4.Faith enables me to stand firm during the hard times in life.
Prayer: Lord, thank you for sending Jesus to die on the cross for my sins and for bringing me into a right relationship with you. My hope in Christ brings eternal hope and assurance that I will be with you in heaven. I can experience a better quality of life here and now through Him. Cause me to love you more each day and trust, completely, in your great faithfulness. Amen.
What is my response to God’s promise?