Along Bible Paths:. Henry E. Neufeld

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Along Bible Paths: - Henry E. Neufeld

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as a man. He had to sleep. He had to eat. He had to earn a wage. He had to love – some people easier than others maybe in His humanness! He had to grieve when His earthly father, Joseph, died. He had to suffer physically the whipping and crucifixion. He had to suffer the scorn of His family and His church. Jesus did all of this (and more!) because of love. Love that I did not deserve or ask Him to give. Love that had He asked I probably would have refused it. Up until the age of 40, I was convinced that I could handle (and should handle) my life and if I just worked hard and had some ‘breaks’ from fate – my life and that of my family would be OK. I signed up for church. That was an important box to be checked. I like to do stuff and I could use my expertise and talents there. I did not accept free gifts. Church was a place to pay my dues so I stayed on God’s good side so He would like me.

      Jesus came to find me even when I did not know I was lost and needed saving. And there is also the fact that there were times I did know I was so very unhappy (lost) but still thought I could make it better. I should be able to do this!

      “He was there all the time. Waiting patiently in line...” – Gary S. Paxton, 1975

      Jesus came and when I stopped digging that hole and reached out my hand; sweaty and dirty like I was, helpless to do anything more on my own, Jesus’ hand was there waiting to grasp mine and lift me up. I still get sweaty and dirty when I step off the path but that is for another day.

      Thank You, Jesus. Thank You. You love me even when I am most unlovable. You see me as I can be and show me the way – walking before me. Thank You. Those are my words for today: Thank You.

      July 16

      Where is The Kingdom?

      Being asked by the Pharisees when the Kingdom of God would come, he [Jesus] answered them, “The Kingdom of God doesn’t come with observation; neither will they say, ‘Look, here!’ or, ‘Look, there!’ for behold, the Kingdom of God is within you.”

      Luke 17:20-21 (WEB, my emphasis)

      Yesterday Jesus was speaking about how much He loved me – even when I didn’t ask and couldn’t earn His love. Today, Jesus took His love a step further and says He has picked me (and you) to be His Kingdom.

      Jesus says the Kingdom, in its glory and as He promised, will not come with my keen religious knowledge and/or prophecy of what is to come or should happen. In fact, Jesus says that no one will be able to say “Here it is!” or “There it is!” because –

      Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old things have passed away. Behold, all things have become new. But all things are of God, who reconciled us to himself through Jesus Christ, and gave to us the ministry of reconciliation; namely, that God was in Christ reconciling the world to himself, not reckoning to them their trespasses, [not giving us what we deserved!] and having committed to us the word of reconciliation. We are therefore ambassadors on behalf of Christ, as though God were entreating by us: we beg you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God. For him [Jesus] who knew no sin he [the Father] made to be sin on our behalf; so that in him we might become the righteousness of God [in right relationship with God].

      2 Corinthians 5:17-21 (WEB, my emphasis and paraphrase)

      Paul said, it well. God had no Plan B. It was God’s plan all along to come in the flesh – as man – and be the only sacrifice that could cover my sins so that I could be Jesus’ ambassador; His representative 2000 years later to others. I am the representative of God’s Kingdom! ME! Less than perfect – still in need of forgiveness when – after choosing to follow Jesus in 1995 (and I haven’t changed my mind!) – I still need Jesus to bring me back to His chosen path for me when I wander off. How far have I wandered since 1995? (If you could see me right now you would see me blush, roll my eyes, and drop my head in shame.)

      If I reference the Bible, the writers, taking down God’s words for me, do not list sins as “little” or “big”, do they?

      Jesus said, He did not get rid of the Law but He tried to get me to understand that sin is not just my actions but more about my heart. (Matthew 5) Paul comes along in Galations 5 and while he gives a list of what is my sinful nature and how that reflects my life, Paul is trying to say what Jesus said, “Jody, it’s about what is in your heart that builds my Kingdom. If your heart is sold out to me first, your life on earth despite all its imperfections will build My Kingdom.”

      How the Kingdom grows in me is for tomorrow.

      July 17

      “The Kingdom of Heaven is like...”

      “The Kingdom of Heaven is like...”

      Matthew 13:24 (WEB)

      Yesterday I learned that the Kingdom of Heaven is in me even though I am ‘way imperfect! Today, God led me to the parables in Matthew 13 to read how Jesus tries to tell what the Kingdom of Heaven is like. Take out your Bible and join me in Matthew 13:

      vv. 24-30 God sows His good Word in my heart. He teaches me so that good fruit (check Galatians 5) will grow in me. The enemy also sows seeds; destructive seeds. God does not prevent the seeds from being sown. He could but He doesn’t. Remember in Matthew 5 that Jesus even said that the sun and rain comes to evil and good. Not until Judgment Day does sifting harvest occur.

      vv. 31-32 God may call me to the smallest of jobs by the world’s standard but God can take that small, insignificant seed and make it BIG in His Kingdom.

      vv. 33 The yeast of God’s goodness can work all through me and affect everything that I do. Remember Jesus also warned that yeast not of Him can also affect me. (yeast of the Pharisees, Luke 12:1)

      vv. 44-45 When you find the treasure in your walk with God – it is worth whatever the price. You may think you have lost the big home, many clothes, big vacations, but you will find what will never rust or decay in Jesus.

      vv. 47-50 The Kingdom of Heaven has all kinds of fish. Jesus casts His net wide and long. It is at Judgment Day that the fish will be divided, until then, we are all together!

      vv. 52 Jesus ends this series of parables telling us that in the storeroom we bring out new and old treasures. In my heart, Jesus will bring treasures that have remained fresh for 2000 years. He will also bring new treasures that do not replace the old but, in fact, bring a bountiful harvest in my heart.

      The Kingdom of Heaven is here and now in me and that means it is not the perfection that it will become when Jesus comes as King of Kings. How the Kingdom will live and grow in me depends on my choices. All that I need to glorify God’s Kingdom is available to me – but will I choose to follow Jesus and build the Kingdom by His example and choose my own plan? Seems like a no brain-er but in the choices there will be a ‘letting go’ of what may be easy and what may be expected by the world.

      The Kingdom of Heaven – it’s where there is God’s grace and mercy. Is

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