Startup Guide to Guerrilla Marketing. Jay Levinson Conrad

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Startup Guide to Guerrilla Marketing - Jay Levinson Conrad Guerrilla Marketing

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name can work for you or against you, or just sit there and not work at all. As you get only one chance to make a first impression, you also get only one chance to name your company at the outset. Want to venture a wild guess as to which part of your business gets the most use by the most people? You got it—your name.

      Fish gotta swim, birds gotta fly, guerrillas gotta brand or they’ll be lost in the fray. It’s your branding that’s going to help people trust you. That’s what’s going to break down the barrier between neverheard-of-you and can’t-wait-till-I-talk-with-you. Branding reassures people that they aren’t the first lemmings off the cliff.

      Your product or service can be more than a product or service. It can be a brand-name product or a brand-name service. That means people will have faith in you more than others and will even pay more money to purchase what you’ve got for sale. Some brands are so embraced by people that they sport tattoos attesting to their loyalty. Harley-Davidson is a case in point. And we use the word point intentionally, feeling only a tinge of guilt.

      We were driving to an ad agency presentation and spoke excitedly about the presentation we were about to make. The cab driver turned his head to say “you guys really believe that advertising stuff works?” He was definitely not an ideal customer. Or was he? “It doesn’t work for me.” He added “I never would buy a product because of advertising. Never have. Never will.” One of our people asked him, “ What kind of toothpaste do you use?” “Oh, I use Gleam,” he said, “But it has nothing to do with the advertising. It’s because I drive a cab and I can’t brush after every meal.” Such is the power of branding. To him. To you. To us.

      Without consistency, there can be no brand. It’s the repetitive exposure that ingrains a brand in people’s unconscious minds.

      It should be apparent that you probably can’t brand yourself overnight. Like most great marketing, it takes time. And commitment. And consistency. Without consistency, there can be no brand. It’s the repetitive exposure that ingrains a brand in people’s unconscious minds, ready to spring into action when they’re in a buying situation.

      Branding seems to favor the visual depiction, such as Tony the Tiger or the golden arches, but it also seems to favor the verbal form, such as Coca-Cola or Mmmm . . . Mmmm . . . Good. The idea is to have any kind of a repeatable, simple, understandable, venerable brand.

      If you want to go for the gold, realize that the gold follows the people who have earned brand name awareness. Get it in the print media, the electronic media, the internet, word-of-mouse, billboards, wherever you can. But get it as soon as you can. Waiting is the opposite of branding.

       Why Branding Is Important

      Marketers use branding to develop the perception, creating the impression that a brand has certain qualities or characteristics that make it special or unique. The following identifies some of those perceptions and their importance.

      • In a complex world, people gravitate towards brand names. The more complicated the world, the greater the power of a brand.

      • The more complicated the world gets, the more comforting the familiar will seem, and the better it will get for brands.

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