10 Minute Bible Journey, The. Dale Mason

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10 Minute Bible Journey, The - Dale Mason

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first they turned down his invitation but Lot insisted, and for good reason.

      Growing even angrier because Lot refused to turn over the visitors, the mob surged forward to break down the door. At the last moment, the two angels reached out, pulled Lot back into the house, and struck the raging Sodomites with blindness.


      Gen. 18:16–19:30; 2 Pet. 2:6–8


      “Then the Lord rained brimstone and fire on Sodom and Gomorrah, from the Lord out of the heavens. So he overthrew those cities, all the plain, all the inhabitants of the cities, and what grew on the ground.” Gen. 19:24–25

      WRAP UP

      “Lot chose to raise his family in a very dark place, even though he had other options. Father, You were willing not to destroy Sodom if there were just ten righteous people there. That should have been easy. Between Lot’s family and his daughters’ fiancés there were six people. But apparently, they had given in to the culture. Even Lot’s own wife longed for Sodom more than she wanted to obey You. Lord, reveal my blind spots. Please show me how to help my family love and honor You above everything this world has to offer.”

      1 This appearance was likely not more than three months after God’s initial declaration (Gen. 17) of the upcoming birth. On that day, Abraham and all the men of his clan were circumcised. Now, enough time had passed that he was healed enough to be able to run to the Lord and the two angels that visited him in Genesis 18:1–2, yet he was still 99 and his son would still be born within a year (Genesis 18:10). The Genesis 18 announcement was apparently new information to Sarah, so she must not have been present at the previous (Genesis 17) announcement. It is also noteworthy that during the interim that separated the two angelic visitations (not more than three months) Abraham had in faithless fear subjected Sarah to the nearby King Abimelech (Genesis 20), like he had 24 years earlier when he gave her to a Pharaoh in Egypt (Genesis 12).

      2 Genesis 19:24–25; Jeremiah 50:40. See also “The Discovery of the Sin Cities of Sodom and Gomorrah,” www.biblearchaeology.org/post/2008/04/16/The-Discovery-of-the-Sin-Cities-of-Sodom-and-Gomorrah.aspx.

      3 Genesis 19:30–38 reveals Lot was “old” but not too old to father children. The age of his daughters at this time is not known, and though they may have been fairly young they were old enough by the standards of their society to be engaged.

      4 Proverbs 31:23

      5 Genesis 19:5

      6 Genesis 19:14

      7 Regarding Genesis 19:17 (“do not look behind you”) and 19:26 (“his wife looked back behind him, and she became a pillar of salt”), the word “expectingly” is used in Young’s Literal Translation (“look not expectingly behind thee”) but not in most modern translations. Substitution of a more modern word, such as “longingly” rather than “expectingly” is preferred in order to better understand the situation. Lot’s wife was judged for her disobedience and turned into a pillar of salt (possibly actual salt, or possibly encased by the burning sulfur that God was raining down). Her delay indicates a longing to return to the sin-filled cities, rather than obedience and gratefulness at being rescued by God’s messengers.

      8 Genesis 19:24. “It is likely that the Biblical ‘gafrit’ is the hydrocarbon bitumen, which is the essential ingredient of asphalt. . . . Bitumen/asphalt is a naturally occurring, highly flammable substance found in the Dead Sea area,” per http://www.aish.com/ci/sam/48931527.html.

      9 Genesis 19:25 — the Lord overthrew (killed) everyone living in those cities; Deuteronomy 29:23 (ESV) says, “the whole land burned out with brimstone and salt, nothing sown and nothing growing, where no plant can sprout…”

      10 2 Peter 2:6

      11 Genesis 19:30 — Although evolutionary teachers promote the idea that most cave dwellers were not fully human, many normal men and women have for thousands of years taken advantage of the excellent natural protection and ready availability of caves, worldwide. The Bible itself refers to numerous people who lived in caves, including Lot and his daughters, David and his warriors, and Israelites at the time of Gideon (Judges 62). “Cavemen” are exactly that; men and women who live in caves for various reasons and lengths of time.



      (c. 1871 B.C.)

      Learning to trust!

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