The Husbands. Sharmila Chauhan

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The Husbands - Sharmila Chauhan

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Women. Film includes BAFTA winning Shadowscan. Also extensive work across the UK as a choreographer and dancer. She has an honorary doctorate from The University of Huddersfield.


      Intrepid plays by fearless women

      Kali Theatre has been presenting ground-breaking new theatre writing by women with a South Asian background for over twenty years. They seek out and nurture strong individual writers who challenge our perceptions through original and thought-provoking drama, and actively encourage their writers to reinvent and reshape the theatrical agenda.

      Their work presents the distinct perspective and experience of South Asian women, engaging people from all backgrounds in work that reflects and comments on our lives today. They have won rave reviews, sold-out shows and inspired audiences all over the UK with work that challenges our perceptions through original and surprising theatre.

      “The most enjoyably inventive pieceof theatre I’ve seen this year” The Guardian on Behna

      Join our mailing list Email us [email protected] Like us Tweet us @kalitheatreUK

       For Kali Theatre

Artistic Director Janet Steel
General Manager Christopher Corner
Admin and Marketing Binita Walia
Press Representation Yasmeen Khan

      Board: Shelley King (Chair), Amy Beeson, Elizabeth Cuffy,Penny Gold, Alison McFadden, Anouk Mishti, Rozet Shah,Shiroma Silva, Jocelyn Watson, Elizabeth Youard

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      Photos: Robert Workman, Robert Day


      Pentabus is a contemporary theatre company, touring new plays about the rural world.

      We produce plays that dig deep into the psyche of the English countryside. Shows are playful, political and compassionate, offering rural audiences theatre made especially for, and that speaks directly to, them. We then take these plays on the road, telling stories that are born locally, but resonate nationally.

      In challenging times for the rural world, Pentabus brings front-line reports from forgotten communities, telling stories that matter for and about the contemporary countryside.

      Pentabus turns 40 in 2014. The company was founded in 1974 and originally toured to five counties in the Midlands, hence PENT (five) and BUS (touring). Today we tour new plays all over the country. Recent productions include Milked by Simon Longman, about rural unemployment and a cow called Sandy, In This Place by Lydia Adetunji and Frances Brett, about women working in the countryside, For Once by Tim Price about teenagers and market towns, Stand Up Diggers All by Phil Porter exploring the links between the Occupy movement and land reclamation; and Blue Sky by Clare Bayley, about isolated rural airports.

      Our productions turn up at festivals, in fields, in village halls and in theatres, reaching our audience wherever they may be. In fact, our mission can be summed up as: we tell the most exciting stories in the most surprising ways.


      This Theatre has the support of the Channel 4 Playwright’s

      scheme sponsored by Channel 4 Television.

       Pentabus Theatre, Bromfield, Ludlow, Shropshire, SY8

      Follow us on Twitter @pentabustheatre

      Find us on Facebook - Pentabus Theatre

      Pentabus is a registered charity, number 287909.

      We rely on the generosity of our donors, small and large, to help us to

      continue to deliver more arts projects in new ways. You can read more

      and donate online at

       For Pentabus

Artistic Director Elizabeth Freestone
Managing Director Rachael Griffin
Administrator Sarah Hughes
Bookkeeper Lynda Lynne
Technical Manager Sam Eccles
Channel 4 Playwright Simon Longman

       Board of Directors

      Kate Organ (Chair), Joseph Alford, Richard Burbidge, Ed Collier, Sean Holmes, Diane Lenan, Karen McLellan, Jamie Perry, Elanor Thompson, Lyndsey Turner, Mary Wells and Alison Vermee

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      Actress Dominique Bull as Ana from Blue Sky by Clare Bayley

      photo credit Robert Workman (photo entitled ana with torch)


      Actors Adam Redmore and Oliver Mott as Paul and Snowy from Milked by Simon Longman

      photo credit Robert Stanton


      Audience Member experiencing In This Place by Lydia Adetunji and Frances Brett

      photo credit Florence Fox


      21 Dean Street,

      London W1D 3NE

      Admin 020 7287 5060

      Box Office 020 7478 0100


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