The Modern Creation Trilogy. Dr. Henry M. Morris

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The Modern Creation Trilogy - Dr. Henry M. Morris

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at present — are right about this. If He was not, Christianity is a fraud — no salvation, no heaven, no nothing.5

      Yes, Ruse understands, all right, at least with his mind. But, in his heart, he refuses to believe, because he knows that his precious evolutionary “birthright” logically would have to be renounced, along with all worldly fame.

      It is remarkable, on the other hand, that so many professing Christians feel that they can somehow accommodate evolution in their Christian faith, when the evolutionists themselves (at least the leaders, rather than the followers, of evolutionary thought) practically all say it can’t be done.

      A current leader in the field of evolutionary philosophy, Dr. David Hull, a philosophy professor at Northwestern University, says:

      With respect to the character of any “god” who would use evolution as his process of evolution, Hull goes on to observe:

      Charles Darwin himself long ago recognized this diabolical character of evolution.

      Why is it so difficult for theistic evolutionists and progressive creationists to see the complete incompatibility of the idea of a billion years of suffering and death among billions of animals (including presumed pre-Adamite “men”), as supposedly documented in the fossil record of the evolutionary ages of geology, with the biblical revelation of an omniscient, loving Creator?

      It is not because the scientific evidence requires them to believe in these long ages of evolution. Even Darwin’s real reason for developing his theory of evolution was not to explain the scientific evidence, but rather to get away from the Christian idea of God, the God of the Bible.

      Although he originally studied to be an Anglican clergyman, Darwin began to have serious doubts about Christianity long before he wrote The Origin of Species. Here is his testimony.

      And so Darwin traded his birthright, what he called the “damnable doctrine” of the saving grace of Christ, for the pottage of what he called “the horribly cruel works of nature.” This was not because of his science, but because of his deliberate and arbitrary rejection of God’s Word.

      The same seems to be true of Michael Ruse. His low view of Christianity is set forth in the following diatribe.

      Perhaps Dr. Ruse’s mind boggles at the saving gospel of Christ, but there have been millions of men and women of rational mind throughout the Christian era who have found profound mental — as well as spiritual — peace only in this great redemptive revelation of God. Rather than bringing the Bible into disrepute, Ruse is fulfilling one of its ancient prophecies: “For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God” (1 Cor. 1:18).

      At least Michael Ruse does have a realistic insight concerning the impossibility of trying to merge the Christian and evolutionary world views.

      Again, we would urge our evangelical brethren not to yield to the increasingly powerful temptation to trade away their noble biblical, creationist, Christian birthright for an insubstantial (yet toxic) mess of evolutionary pottage.

      No Need for God

      In addition to accusing God (unintentionally, no doubt, but nevertheless in reality) of cruelty and involving themselves in dishonesty (and all to no avail!) such fence-straddling in effect, does away with God altogether. Dr. William Provine, a widely known and very influential professor of the history and philosophy of science at Cornell University, has noted this point. First, however, he stresses the atheistic character of evolutionary theory and its advocates.

      Having made this point, Dr. Provine goes on to expose the utter inconsistency of Christians who try to impose God on the evolutionary process.

      In the same vein, James Rachels, a professor of philosophy at the University of Alabama, points out the redundant character of such a God.

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